Why is PPC a Must for All Online Brands?

Posted By Gaurav | 14-Jul-2022 | PPC

Discover why PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is a must for all online brands. This guide explains the benefits and strategies behind successful PPC campaigns.

Why is PPC a Must for All Online Brands?

In traditional marketing, you can open your business or store, put a large banner on your shop, and wait for customers to arrive or you can advertise. Advertising is the best way to popularize your product quickly and bring customers to your shop. 

In Digital marketing as well, you have two ways to conduct your business – open shop and wait or advertise. PPC or pay-per-click is another name for the digital advertising mode.

The benefits of running a PPC campaign as a part of your advertising plan are:

  • Measurable ROAS: ROAS, or return on ad spend, is the blind spot of traditional marketing. PPC campaigns, on the other hand, offer easily measurable ROAS. So, every penny is accounted for, and you will know if it’s well spent. If not, rinse, repeat, and measure again.
  • Targeted: When you are running an ad the best thing that you can do is have the power to choose your audience. Now if you can do so according to demographics like location, language, and device is a big asset to your campaign.

To answer all your questions let’s start with the basics:

What is PPC?

PPC or pay-per-click is one of the most popular online advertising models. The model works based on the clicks advertisers receive on their ads. The ads appear on several digital interfaces associated with the platform. User action is one of the primary reasons for the popularity of this advertising mode.

PPC advertising services include platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

PPC for Local Business Growth

PPC advertising is one of the best marketing plans for local businesses. All platforms, including Google and Facebook, allow localized advertising to appear for your customers within a region.

Local campaigns, however, do not run on pay-per-click spend. Instead, you only pay if the visitor takes an action on your ad, i.e., call, message, or email. That means, as a local business, you spend only for the leads you generate instead of the clicks you receive.

Benefits of PPC Advertising for Brands

PPC marketing can put your brand on top of the SERP page in no time, unlike organic rankings, which may take a while to materialize. Adding pay-per-click services with SEO for your website and business has many advantages listed below:

1. PPC Delivers Fast Results

Pay-per-click marketing shows faster results compared to organic SEO search results that take months to rank on Google SERPs. The PPC ads can show up above the organic results on the search engine results page.

2. PPC Advertising is Cost-Effective

The Pay Per Click advertising gives you the flexibility to show ads within your budget. You need to pay only when someone clicks on your advertisement. Thus, you can drive higher conversions from these ads.

3. You can Target Your Ideal Audience

You can target internet users on the platform based on several factors such as demographics, intent, similar audience, keyword search, etc. You can also use your existing website visitor profiles to target similar audiences or retarget users with incomplete journeys.

4. Track Your Results Almost Real-Time

You can track and improve various parts of your advertising with PPC marketing. Run A/B testing on the landing pages to find which page elements are working and which need improvement. Almost real-time tracking allows you to improve your PPC campaigns without losing time and effort.

5. Appear on 1st Page Even with Low Organic Ranking

As more businesses are coming online, the keywords are becoming highly competitive. It is difficult for a new brand to rank on the first page of search engine results. But with the help of pay-per-click advertising, you can rank on the first page within a few hours.

6. PPC Data Helps You Improve Your SEO Strategy

You can even make your SEO strategy better with the help of PPC. It’s a big myth that you should either choose SEO or PPC for your website. The right strategy is to work together with both.


SEO and PPC both are important activities for a sustainable business website. But both strategies feature significant differences. Often businesses confuse one with the other as both can help you appear on the first page of the SERP. However, SEO and PPC serve two different and critical business objectives in the digital world:


Search Engine Optimization Pay Per Click
  • SEO brings organic traffic to your website.
  • Even the top results influenced by SEO appear after the paid ads in most cases.
  • The organic traffic that you get via SEO is free of cost.
  • SEO takes time to show results, usually a minimum of two to six months. However, the time taken is totally worth it if you can maintain your content’s position at the top.
  • You get traffic via advertisements in the case of PPC.
  • The paid advertisements appear at the top when relevant to a particular search.
  • There is a cost associated with every ad click. You get paid, but you also need to pay.
  • PPC is easier to control and shows faster results. 


You need SEO along with PPC for the best results and to get the maximum traffic on your website. Only SEO or Only PPC will not give you the results you might be expecting. But SEO along with PPC is what makes the best SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategy. 


The terms PPC and CPC are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference in perspective between them:

Pay Per Click Cost Per Click
PPC or Pay Per Click is the amount that the bidder/advertiser needs to pay for every click on the ad published by them. CPC or Cost Per Click is like finance metrics to measure total click and total amount spent on a particular PPC campaign. 

Top Platforms for PPC Advertising

PPC Management Services encompass several social and search platforms. Some of the top platforms for pay-per-click advertising are as follows:

1. Google Ads

When it comes to the top search engines, Google remains at the top. This is why Google Ads are the most expensive ones. But also help you get desired traffic faster. The advertisers need to bid for their ads to be shown on other websites on Google, and they may get customers/conversions in return.

2. Facebook Ads

Facebook has also emerged as a popular PPC advertising platform in the last few years. These ads can be in the form of images, videos, carousels, etc., and appear in the news feed of Facebook users.

3. YouTube Ads

After Google, YouTube can be considered the most preferred platform for pay-per-click advertisements. YouTube also allows businesses to advertise products on their videos, and charges for every click in return. YouTube ads can be skippable, non-skippable, short bumper, or text ads.

4. Instagram Ads

Businesses, as well as individuals, can also showcase and promote their products & services on Instagram. Instagram Ads look very similar to regular posts/stories. Users can see the ads on their news feeds, stories, IGTV videos, etc. 

To conclude, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is an online advertising model. This model has been drawing traction because it has enabled advertisers to pay a publisher every time an advertisement link is “clicked” on. Thus, explaining the name. We hope we’ve been able to explain it to you, For more details, feel free to reach out.

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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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