Bringing You To The Social Point Of Social Media

Posted By Gaurav | 30-Nov--0001 |
Learn the power of social media platforms like Facebook, with its massive user base, and LinkedIn, a hub for B2B marketers. Dive into the mammoth platform of YouTube, where 'How to' content thrives. Optimize your approach, rank higher on algorithms, and watch your small business grow with social media marketing.
Bringing You To The Social Point Of Social Media

Wearing multiple hats is what a marketeer does best, well not just hats at times you got to be a one-man band, playing the drums, keyboard, playing that guitar solo, and then sinning without the cushion of autotune. 

With countless deliverables to push out for the brand to stay alive, active, and relevant; the thought of branching into social media marketing can seem like a non-essential tactic that is easy to push to the side.

It is a common fact that people these days are spending more and more time on their phones, and a lot of that time is spent on social media apps. 

Thus, being on social media, is not a need, but it is more like a necessity so that businesses can focus on the community and the individual customers, this makes social media an all-powerful platform, which plays a crucial role in connecting directly with an audience to build brand awareness and brand loyalty.

An added benefit is the fact that Social media is a free and easy tool for businesses to connect directly with their audience, it has now turned into a part of an inbound marketing strategy

Creating valuable content and ranking, ranking with a high position on SERP is one thing, but also sharing the same content to the right people and getting these individuals who are interested in your brand or product/service back to your host site is another.

Facebook marketing for small business

Facebook is the OG social media platform, as it has a massive user base with 1 billion daily and over 2 billion monthly active users; thus, if your target customer is on any social media platform, it’s likely to be on Facebook, as it is a fairly conversational form of a platform. 

You must be able to convert their interest into a follower because then they shall be intimated each time you post, thus giving them a call to action with every new post that you upload. 

Initially what you could do to test the water is try sharing a few different types of content and seeing what resonates well with your audience by driving the most impressions, engagements, and shares. Once you have figured out what works for you, keep sharing in that format.

As reported in a study by Socialbakers, engagement rates per post dropped significantly for businesses posting more than twice per day and for businesses posting only once per week, so there it does not overdo it, but do not underdo it as well.

People scrolling through Facebook will see your post amidst a sea of, we got a puppy pictureswe just got a married look at us, and look what I made my family for dinner pictures; so, ensure that it is eye-catching but not something that makes their eyes need sunglasses to shade them from an oversaturated picture.

LinkedIn marketing for small business

LinkedIn is the oldest of the social media platforms founded in 2002. Having over 250 million monthly active users, it’s the most used social media channel for business-to-business (B2B) marketers to share content at 94%. Make it a place for people to connect with your insight-focused video, and then you can see your engagement rates climb! It is said that it is best to post on LinkedIn at least once a week to see the best results.

This platform has created an environment for people to connect and, thus your content should reflect that. Stay relevant, helpful, and time-specific in the content you share. Posts should be a resource for consumers to find ways to better themselves in their area of expertise or hear about product updates.

Twitter Marketing for Small Business

Twitter has a massive network of individuals and brands who can be seen to be interacting with each other in a very fast-paced environment. Having over 500 million tweets sent daily, and over 320 million monthly active users on the platform; it has become the social media channel for news and has a wide international user base.

With a word count of 280, it gives people more freedom in what they post per tweet but, at the same time, it still limits the length per post.  5,787 tweets sent every second, phew, that will make it easy for your tweet to get lost in the clutter. 

Posting multiple times per day will allow you the most opportunity for your tweets to be seen by your followers and give them more chances to engage with you. Bear in mind though, you need to tweet content that will be of use to your audience and will be beneficial to them.

Instagram marketing for small business

Instagram, from all the apps here, does indeed have the most options, well these options, that you have, give users the flexibility to curate their presence on Instagram to focus on the specific business goals that the brand wants to put out and what they know their audience wants and shall lap up.

What is crucial with this app, is the type of content that you put out will be very different from what another puts out, thus you need to be sure of the type of what you put out, what works for your business, and then once you figure that out, you need to stick to it. 

Posting Instagram Stories can be more frequent, even posting daily works well, but this is, as long as you have content you’d like to share with your followers. 

Bear in mind that this is a platform that is all about visuals, so people here are looking for the aesthetics of your post and your feed, thus you need to make sure to take advantage of both types of posts, and use them to bring value to your followers and drive social media engagement for your brand. 

Don’t skip the caption, and consider adding a location and popular hashtags to make your posts more discoverable.

YouTube Marketing for Small Business

With 2. 3 billion monthly active users, YouTube is a mammoth of a social platform with over a billion hours of video content being watched daily. It is the second largest search platform and the second most trafficked website, coming in at a close second to Google. 

When it comes to ideation for content or this platform, “How to” is one of the top four content categories on YouTube.  Reusing existing content, which has been created and used on other platforms and from your website is a great way to have more content to put out. 

A rule of thumb for this platform is that as much content as you, and your team can sustainably produce is great for YouTube! Make sure to optimize it, track the metrics, and thus you will be able to study what works for you, and then you can do more of that so you rank higher on the algorithm. 

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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