Impact of Voice Search on Digital Marketing in 2024

Posted By Gaurav | 14-Dec-2023 | Search Engine Optimization
Since the year 2023 is coming to an end, here in this blog we are going to discuss the predictions and impacts of voice search in digital marketing in the year 2024.
Impact of Voice Search on Digital Marketing in 2024

In the year 2023 we witnessed a lot of trends, one of these trends was the integration of voice search. However, since the year is ending this trend of integrating Google voice search in digital marketing is also expected to continue in the year 2024. Here are the details that you need to know before we step into 2024. 

Impact of Voice Search SEO

Voice Search is not a fairly new concept, but it is now being integrated into digital marketing and SEO for better search results. Here are some of the impacts or benefits of integrating voice search optimization in your digital marketing strategy. 

  • More Focus on Featured Snippets

We all have used one or other forms of voice search tools be it Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant (Google voice search), or any other such as Cortana. One basic mechanism on which all of these function is that once we ask a question to these tools, they act or recognize the featured snippet from the question and show us results based on that. 

With voice search optimization being integrated into digital marketing at a higher level will further enable the industry to put more focus on these featured snippets. However, one thing about featured snippets is that they don’t get popular overnight and won’t show results in just a few days. Hence, it is necessary for brands and marketing agencies to start putting effort and focus on building a strategy to leverage these featured snippets to stay ahead of the competition. 

  • Enhance the Position Zero

Another impact of leveraging voice search online is that it will help to put some focus on Position Zero in the search results. This will help the businesses to enhance their visibility by ranking on zero position in the Google search results. Hence, businesses have already started focusing on getting their pages ranked in zero position. 

Another benefit of position zero ranking is that your page will get maximum organic traffic hence, reducing the CTR (click-through-rate) of the first results up to eight percent which is beneficial for any business. 

Experts have predicted that due to the recent voice search optimization, the value of position zero is going to increase with time. It is highly recommended that all businesses and agencies start integrating the strategy to rank at position zero to gain more traffic and benefits.

  • Enables to Prioritize Semantics of Search 

The next impact of voice search SEO as predicted by experts is that voice search has enabled a conversational search which allows the user to have a conversation with the voice search online. This will allow the businesses to focus more on conversational SEO and rank their pages higher using the featured snippets.

Furthermore, leveraging voice search will allow marketers to focus more on the conversational aspect and integrate such content into their web pages to rank higher and gain more traffic in the voice search. 

  • Enhance the Integration of AI 

Businesses are learning to leverage AI-based tools for incorporating as much data as possible into actionable insights. This further allows businesses to integrate AI-ML and other advanced technologies with voice search optimization for better results. 

Furthermore, looking at the rapid growth and adoption of AI tools and AI technologies, businesses are recommended to integrate such AI into their voice search results to reap more benefits from the advanced technologies. 

  • Enable Mobile-Friendly Outlook 

The majority of search queries come from mobile devices and the feature of voice search was launched keeping this use of mobile devices in mind. Hence, it again becomes necessary for businesses to optimize their web pages and websites into a mobile-friendly version of it. 

Integrating mobile-friendly versions will further allow the businesses to leverage featured snippets, AI technologies to rank higher in the voice search online, hence benefiting the businesses and marketers. 

  • Enhance Local SEO 

Another impact of voice search SEO is that enabling voice search online will enhance the implementation of local SEO. With voice search online, the conversational aspect will allow the local businesses to reap benefits from this voice search. 

Local SEO will allow local businesses and marketers to rank higher in the search results in the voice search online. Furthermore, with added advantages of voice search SEO and local SEO you can enhance the revenue of their businesses and attract more customers as well. 

  • Micro-Moments Prioritized 

Since mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular and each one of us is always on our mobile devices, searching for things, nearby cafes, and other suggestions as well. Businesses and marketers need to focus more on the micro-moments. 

The micro-moments of search such as ‘what should I do?”, “I want to know '' and others. These micro-moments are allowing businesses to rank and gain more traffic on the voice search online. 

Additionally, these micro-moments are allowing businesses and marketers to take advantage of these micro-moments by targeting their customers to these micro-moments. 

  • Digital Marketing Needing Voice Search

Since every aspect of digital marketing is being governed by advanced technology it is becoming a necessity to integrate voice search in their digital marketing strategies. Businesses and marketers have already started integrating these strategies into their plans and those who have not should start prioritizing voice search optimization as a part of their digital marketing strategy. 

Concluding Thoughts

It has become evident from the discussion above that voice search optimization is going to be an essential and integral part of digital marketing in the coming year. Hence, businesses and digital marketers must understand the potential of voice search SEO. 

This further requires businesses to review their marketing strategies and integrate a plan to focus on voice search optimization as well. Different voice search tools are available such as Google voice search which is one of the most trending and popular voice search after Apple’s Siri. 

Concluding it with final words from MadHawks a digital marketing agency, this is high time to integrate this voice search SEO and start implementing voice search online for better results in 2024. 


What is the voice search optimization?

Voice search optimization uses featured snippets and conversational AI to show search results based on the search query. This further helps the businesses to rank higher in the Google voice search and other search platforms. 

How and why to optimize your website for voice search in 2024?

It is important to optimize the website for voice search by including featured snippets in the content and integrating conversational content which will help to rank higher on the search results. 

How can voice search benefit your SEO?

Voice search can benefit SEO by allowing you to have better visibility and get more traffic on the search result. This further allows you to get your business ranked on position zero which helps in getting more organic traffic as well. 


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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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