Replacement Text For Web Page Is Not Set In Stone

Posted By Gaurav | 05-Oct-2022 | Google Updates
Don't let your web page become stagnant! Learn why replacement text is important and how to optimize it for better user experience.
Replacement Text For Web Page Is Not Set In Stone
  • They are too long. 
  • They are simply stuffed with keywords making them not readable. 
  • They contain no text or boilerplate text. 

This hinders Google from serving the right information or knowledge to the readers. Thus, Google can produce titles that are easier to read and preferable to searches than before with this update. No websites can opt-out of this update too. SEOs can manually use the feature in Google Search Console telling Google not to replace the HTML tag of specific pages alone. 


  • Google majorly rewrites the title tags often with the text used in the H1 tag of the page. 
  • Another option from where Google can use text to rewrite the meta title tags is the anchor text from the internal link. 
  • It can also replace the title with any text found on other pages of the website.  

It is also noticed that the titles rewritten by Google tend to be shorter than the original written titles. So, there is apparently no limit where Google will pull text to rephrase the meta titles. All these efforts are done only to improve the readability and enhance the search experience of the users. Some SEOs say that the titles written by Google are meaningless as it draws text from anchor text, internal links, H1 title tags. It is also seen that Google has used dates in the meta titles which many SEOs found irrelevant. However, the ultimate goal of replacing web page titles is to enhance the relevancy of the searches. So, it might end up as a good thing for websites and SEO Specialists though it creates some confusion during the initial stage. 


As Google has stepped in to create optimized and readable title tags, it doesn’t mean that the site owners can leave this job to Google itself. It is worth spending time creating unique titles to have more Click-Through Rates on your URL. Google’s Danny Sullivan says that the search engine will continue to use 80% original HTML tags. So, website owners and SEOs bear in mind that it is still important to have well-written Meta Titles and Descriptions like the example shown below to have better traffic to your website


The newly launched title tag system of Google is dynamic and reactive to the changes. If the revised title tag created by Google explains your page in a better way, you can use it or can write a new title. Hence, there is nothing to worry about if Google changes your title tag with text that is not satisfying you. If you can create something better and serve the readers the best, always go ahead and continue to do it as that is the ultimate goal of the search engine. 

John Mueller, Search Advocate at Google initiated a thread in the Search Console Help Forum welcoming feedback on this new system of replacing the title tags. People can submit their feedback in a detailed manner with the proper URL, the device used, the title is shown as the search result, screenshot as proof, etc. As Google is currently in the process of refining this new system, it is not advisable to frequent changes right now. Let’s wait and believe that any update launched by Google will favor site owners and the users simultaneously. 

Also Read – Tips On Product Category Page From John Mueller

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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