Top 6 Cognitive Hacks to Boost E-commerce Sales

Posted By Gaurav | 01-Sep-2022 | SMM

Increase your e-commerce sales with these top 6 cognitive hacks. Discover powerful strategies to influence customer behavior and drive conversions.

Top 6 Cognitive Hacks to Boost E-commerce Sales

Do you know why “sell me this pen” is an iconic line from Wolf of Wall Street? Not because of its absurdity as a line, but because of the psychology that goes into sales. Selling isn’t just about telling your audience what to buy. It’s painting a picture for them, showing them how your product or service could make their life much better. To help you out with that, here are 6 cognitive hacks that agencies are choosing SEO services for e-commerce to boost your E-commerce sales.


1. Explain to your customers why they want your product:

You need to understand what motivates people if you want to sell your product the right way. To make an impact you should know what impacts them. People love receiving satisfaction and pleasure without putting in little or no work, you need to show your consumers how your product will do just that for them. 


2. Always be new and limited

You know that exciting feeling when you buy something new and can’t wait to try it out? That feeling is extremely crucial in sales. The human mind is wired in a way that everything satisfies us, but only for a certain amount of time. When selling a product you need to leverage this feeling of new excitement. Why else do you think many companies have new models and drop them almost every couple of months. You need to keep your audience interested. Even though your product is “ever-green” you need to sell it like it’s limited and unique.


3. Make it simple 

Don’t ever complicate your pitch or sale. You need to remember the 3 Cs– Clear, concise, and coherent. The attention span of the people you are selling to is not a lot, so you have to make it as simple as possible. While doing so, you also need to add critical selling points of your product and service, so they know exactly what they’re getting. 


4. Build a background story

People love stories and are more invested in what someone is saying if it has a plotline. Telling people a story also gets them emotionally invested which will help you when selling your product or service. Telling people a story also humanizes the process of selling, instead of making it feel like a transaction. 


5. Talk from an establishment perspective

Did you know people are more likely to listen and pay attention to somebody famous? This ties in influencer marketing and how it can increase your sales, using opinionated leaders and content creators to spread the word about your brand. 


6. Social Proof is a must 

We live in a digital age where no one buys anything before a little online stalking. Having a social media presence for your brand is necessary so people know what they’re getting into and feel a certain level of familiarity with your brand. This also opens up space for testimonials and people who research your brand will feel more at ease and comfortable buying from you. 


We believe that this article will help you grow your E-commerce sales. Do follow this advice and build a strong and more powerful brand. Stay tuned for more tips and information!

Also Read - Basics Of PR For Small Businesses

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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