Video Marketing Strategy: A Complete Guide for 2024

Posted By Gaurav | 12-Jan-2024 | SMM
Are you trying to learn video marketing strategies for enhancing your business? Read below to understand in detail the basics of video marketing and its strategies.
Video Marketing Strategy: A Complete Guide for 2024

We all are aware of the importance and power a video carries around. Hence came the concept of video marketing in the last few years. However, the concept of video marketing wasn’t very clear to the market and other professionals and not many people were inclined towards it. 

With time the scenario has changed and brands are now leveraging the concept of video marketing and trying to integrate video marketing techniques into their business. MadHawks being the saviour in this situation has drafted this blog for you to have a clear understanding of how you can leverage video marketing for business and what video marketing tips you can follow. 

Understanding the Basics of Video Marketing

In general video marketing is the process where you as a marketer leverage all sorts of videos, and clips available to create a marketing buzz and recognition for your business, products or services. 

In a study, it was found that the majority of marketers around 92% of them prefer to integrate video marketing in their marketing strategies and leverage the benefits of it all. The reason is, the availability of technology and other advanced tools to integrate video marketing techniques. 

With advanced technology, it has become easier for marketers to leverage different forms of video marketing strategy and use it for their benefit. Let’s have a look at some of the major benefits of using video marketing techniques in your business. 

Benefits of Video Marketing Strategy

Now that we have established what video marketing is, here are some of the major benefits of it. 

  • Brand Recognition 

One of the most important benefits of integrating a video marketing strategy is that it helps to have enhanced brand recognition in the market. If you have a strong and appealing video for your business, then customers will recognize your video and hence your brand will get more recognition. 

  • Clear Communication

Leveraging video content marketing strategies further allows you to have clear communication with the audience and communicate your ideas, offers, and other required information directly. For this, you need to have a strong social media video strategy and get your video out in the world for clear communication. 

  • Increased Traffic 

If your video can be recognized by customers, more and more people will visit your store be it online or offline and will be engaging with your brand more effectively. This will further help you get more revenue and generate more profit in the long run. 

  • Increased Customer Base

The next benefit is that a good video once recognized will help to get more customers as well. It will further help you increase your customer base and acquire new customers who came via your video marketing techniques. 

Tips to Follow

Moving on, have a look at some of the video marketing tips that you need to follow while devising your marketing strategy. 

  • Engaging video content

The first and most important point is to create a video which has engaging content and the customer can relate to the video and resonate with your brand as well. This will help the user to feel more inclined towards your brand.

  • Identify the targeted customer

Before you start with the process of creating your video marketing strategy, choose your target audience. Once you have identified the target audience group based on the kind of content they consume, start designing your video. 

  • Define goals of the video 

One of the most important questions to answer while designing your video is to define your goals. Have a clear understanding of why you are making the video, what is going to be the CTA of your video. 

  • Crisp and to-the-point

The next point is to have crisp and to-the-point video content. Instead of beating around the bush, design a video that talks to the customer directly instead of an in-direct manner. 

  • Effective communication

Ensure that the message that you are trying to convey is portrayed directly and in a simpler manner for the customer to understand. Instead of having a confusing video, have a video which communicates directly to the customer. 

  • Short length video 

Avoid making a lengthy video, instead stick to a short video where the message is clear. Understand that the customer’s attention span is very less hence, instead of making a long video, go with a short video. 

  • Capture the essence 

Talk directly to the customer and talk about their problem, and what your brand is offering. In the process of making an aesthetically pleasing video, its essence should not be missing. 

  • Include a CTA 

Towards the end of the video integrate a CTA which will push the customers to engage with your brand and fulfil the need of the video. 

Furthermore, here are some of the common types of videos that can be used in a video marketing strategy. 

Types of Videos Used

For different brands, different types of videos are used in a video marketing strategy. Digital marketing video are one of the most common approaches here. Moving on, let’s have a look at different types of videos that can be used in a video marketing for business. 

  • Brand video 

The name suggests that a brand video is a basic introduction to the brand. These are used if a new brand is being introduced in the market or to even show the growth and expansion of the brand throughout the time. 

  • Tutorials

These videos are in the form of a How-to video where the content is made in a way to teach the customer about the product or services of the brand or any other tutorials. 

  • Demo 

Demo videos are designed to offer the customer with a demonstration of a platform or a product by a brand. These videos are an extension of the tutorial and how-to videos. 

  • Expert videos 

These videos are usually on a specific topic or niche where the expert of the industry would keep their views regarding the topic and provide you with the required information about that niche. 

  • Event videos

Event videos contain clips of a particular event which was held or at times these videos are also used to promote an upcoming event as well. These contain details about the event, venue, and other required details. 

  • Promotional product video 

If your brand is coming up with a new product and launching a new product, these promotional product videos are leveraged. This will further help the customer connect with the brand and the product. 

  • Testimonials 

Testimonial videos are leveraged to build a trust factor among the customers and the brand. These testimonials are usually given by previous customers and users of the brand and the product. 

  • UGC 

UGC or User-generated content is a new form of video marketing that is being used as a digital marketing video for a brand to fulfil objectives such as promoting the product or brand, engaging the potential customers with genuine content, creating a sense of trustworthiness among customers, and offer them a tutorial as well. 

Video Marketing and SEO

There are a lot of concerning factors while creating a video and various benefits of video marketing. However, one of the most important benefits of video marketing is enhanced SEO results. 

Integrating a video marketing strategy in your business will help you to improve the SEO of your business and here’s how it works. 

On average 55% of Google search keywords are focused on videos and images and clips for a product, service or brand. These trending keywords when integrated in your video marketing will further help to improve the SEO of your website. 

It will further help you gain more organic traffic, increase customer engagement, better customer experience and in the long run enhance customer loyalty as well. 

Video Marketing Tips from MadHawks

Being a digital marketing agency we at MadHawks understand the value and importance of integrating digital marketing video in your video marketing strategy. It is necessary to plan in detail the purpose and goals of your video marketing. 

In the long run not only will these help you get more customers but also help to get your website rank higher in the SERPs. For more information on how to integrate video marketing in your marketing plans, get in touch with our experts here at MadHawks. 

Leverage the best video marketing strategy with MadHawks! 


Is video a good marketing strategy?

Yes, integrating videos is a good marketing strategy for any brand. This helps the audience or the customers to engage with the brand and get all the details. 

Why is video marketing so powerful?

Videos are easy to remember which helps in increased brand awareness & recognition. Furthermore, videos have a long-lasting impact on the customers and allow them to relate with the brand. 

What is the future of video marketing?

The future of video marketing is to integrate videos in all major digital platforms be it social media video marketing for promotional, educational or entertainment purposes. 

How are videos used in digital marketing?

Videos are leveraged in digital marketing by either using user-generated content to build a trustworthy image of the brand or are used for promotional purposes and educating the customer about your product and services.


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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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