Website Development Guide: Learning the Basics

Posted By Gaurav | 01-Mar-2024 |
Worried about how to design your website? Learn the basics of website development with MadHawks, read below for more information.
Website Development Guide: Learning the Basics

For every business in today’s digital world it is important to invest in the website development process to mark the presence in the digital platforms. If you own a startup and are planning to invest in web development, you’ve landed the right page. 

As we move forward in this blog, we will help you understand the web development basics for a clearer picture. This will also assist you in devising your website development strategy and goals. With our website development guide, you can gather around all the information you need to start with the process of website development. 

What is Web Development?

Website development is the process of maintaining and developing the website which happens behind the scenes. It helps to ensure that the website is working properly with good speed, and is optimized for all devices as well. 

In addition to this, the web development process requires different coding languages for designing the website and different web pages.

Types of Web Development

Web development basics will help you understand that there are three main types of web development processes being implemented: front end, back end, and full stack web development. 

Front End Website Development

As the name suggests, a front end developer takes care of the aspects of website development that are visible at front. It takes into account layout, design, theme of the website, and interactivity of the website.. 

It implements HTML, Java Script, CSS and other such programming languages to develop the front end. In addition to this, it also includes points such as drop-down menus, text available on the website which contributes to the visual representation of the website and binds all the elements together. 

Back End Website Development 

As a back end web development process, it takes care of elements that are not directly visible on the website. It consists of elements such as website host, server, data collected on the website. 

The back end development process consists of the entire dataset that enables a website to be visible and accessible by the users. It implements server-side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, and PHP. 

Full Stack Website Development

A full stack web development process consists of both frontend and backend knowledge. A full stack developer is versatile when it comes to the understanding of the programming languages which allows them to have an upper hand in the entire website development process. 

Furthermore, the entire process of full stack web development meaning that the overall process of developing and maintaining a website is taken care of and ensures a high quality website development. It further allows the developer to take care of different aspects of website development, identify errors if any and offer a solution for the same. 

Web Development Languages Used

Furthermore, moving ahead with the website development guide, the process of designing and developing a website leveraging different programming languages. These languages are implemented for different purposes and as mentioned above, for frontend and backend development different languages are implemented. 


HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a front end programming language implemented for the process of website development. It helps to provide the website its basic skeleton based on which other elements can be added and design the overall website. 


Cascading Style Sheet is another programming language used in the front end web development process. It helps to provide the basic design and style of the website and takes into account the visual representation of the website. 


Another front end language is JavaScript which provides the website with a dynamic behavior and helps the website developer to decide how the website is going to behave. 


It is a high-level programming language which is used in the process of website development along with the integration of other advanced technologies and offers the website its elements. It is furthermore an object-oriented programming language. 


Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is a server-side   language that is usually implemented for the back end website development process. It helps to add an interactive element to the website which is engaging for the users. 


Another back end programming language being used is Java which allows the website developers to offer the website an environment and platform to run programs written in other languages as well.  

Steps of Website Development

The next point to cover in the website development guide is the process. The overall process of website development consists of eight simple steps which if followed will further help you design your website. 

Strategize and Plan 

Before you start with connecting with a website developer or hiring a team to develop your website, define the plan and certain basic elements of your website. 

  • Decide the goals of your website
  • Content type that you would publish- quirky, informative
  • Define the audience of your website and business
  • Purpose of the content 
  • Budget for website development 
  • Construct a Wireframe

Now that you have answered these questions, it is time to design a structure or wireframe for the website. This will help you understand how your website is going to look and what elements it will consist of from the user engagement perspective and from the website information perspective as well.

  • Designing sitemap 
  • A sitemap will help you understand the web development basics such as: 
  • Number of individual web pages your website will have
  • Type of content on website 
  • Categorizes of pages to be distributed 
  • Interlinking of pages 
  • Which categories to be added or removed
  • Which pages can be clubbed together 
  • Hierarchy of web pages 

All these points will help the designers and developers to have a detailed understanding of the website that you are planning to design and further enhance the overall look of the website. 

Working on back end 

As the next step you need to start working on the back end elements of the website. It contains elements such as: 

  • Databases 
  • Servers 
  • Website host 
  • Infrastructure of the website
  • Building front end

Once you are done setting up the back end of the website, you can move on to the front end of the website and start designing the final look of the website. The elements of the front end will further allow you to understand how your website will be presented to the audience and how they will engage with the website. 

Domain name 

Next step is to get the domain name registered for your business and your website. This has to be a unique domain name which helps the users to identify your website from the competitors and allows you to mark your individual presence on the web. 

Test run 

Before having a final launch of the website in the public, have a test run of the website to ensure that it is working properly, there are no server issues or glitches happening on the website. Furthermore, this will give you time to understand if all the buttons are clickable and the website is engaging for the users. 

Final launch 

After the test run you can finally launch the website for the users to interact with. With front and back end development, and other components integrated such as SEO it will help to rank your website in the search results on the search engine. 

Additionally, it will allow you to generate traffic for your website and your business, helping to grow your business and generate profit. 

MadHawks for Website Development

Now that we have discussed the web development meaning and the web development basics, all you need to do is have a trusted and reliable partner to help you with the development process. 

For an effective website development process, having the right partner is the most important point. MadHawks is your ideal partner for the process of web development as the experienced team available here is reliable and can offer you solutions based on your requirements. 

In addition to this, with the experienced team you also get expert opinions and genuine content development for your website as per the requirements. For more information you can get in touch with the expert team here at MadHawks and get your website development started today. 


1. What are 3 types of web development?

Three types of web development are front end development, back end development, and full stack development. 

2. Is web development easy?

The process of developing a website can seem easy for a professional such as a full stack developer. However, with enough experience, practice and knowledge the process of web development can be easily understood. 

3. What does a web developer do?

A web developer leverages different programming languages to develop the website that you can see on the internet. 


Read Blog - Importance And Benefits Of Responsive Design For Websites

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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