2xx Status Codes

Posted By Gaurav | 16-Mar-2023 | Search Engine Optimization
the 2xx status codes provide a clear indication of the status of the request and the outcome of the operation.
2xx Status Codes

What is HTTP Status?

 HTTP status codes are three-digit codes returned by an HTTP server to indicate the status of a requested resource. The 2xx status codes indicate success; among them, the 200 status code is the most common.

The HTTP 200-OK

 A 200 OK status code indicates that the request was successful and that the server has returned the requested resource. This status code is returned in response to a GET, HEAD, or POST request. When a client sends a GET request for a resource, a 200 OK response indicates that the resource is available and has been returned to the client. 

The HTTP 201- Created

A 201 Created status code indicates that a resource has been successfully created as a result of a POST request. This status code is returned when a client sends a POST request to create a new resource, such as a new blog post or a new user. The server returns a 201 Created status code and a Location header containing the URL of the newly created resource. 

The HTTP 202- Accepted 

A 202 Accepted status code indicates that a request has been accepted for processing but has not been completed. This status code is often used in asynchronous processing, where a client sends a request to the server and then continues with other tasks while the server processes the request.

The HTTP 204- No Content

A 204 No Content status code indicates that the server has successfully processed a request, but there is no content to return. This status code is often used in response to a DELETE request, where the server successfully deletes a resource but does not return any content to the client. 

In conclusion, the 2xx status codes indicate success and are used to indicate the outcome of a variety of different requests. Whether you’re creating a resource, retrieving a resource, or processing a request, the 2xx status codes provide a clear indication of the status of the request and the outcome of the operation.

More Glossary Terms – NoScript Tags

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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