10 SaaS SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Posted By Gaurav | 20-Mar-2024 | Search Engine Optimization
Do you own a SaaS business, and are struggling with SEO? Here are some common mistakes described that you might be making. Read below for better understanding.
10 SaaS SEO Mistakes to Avoid

With the growing number of Saas businesses, it is expected that by the year 2025, 85% of businesses will be running on Saas based platforms. However, owning and running a Saas business is not easy. It requires constant efforts, strategic planning and SaaS SEO for better results. 

We understand that SEO for SaaS companies is not an easy task and there can be various mistakes that can affect the SEO results for your business. It is crucial for every Saas SEO expert to know about some of the most common SEO challenges that can be avoided for better results. 

Defining Saas SEO

In our previous articles we have discussed the basics of SEO, hence moving on and discussing Saas SEO. It simply means the set of SEO strategies or techniques being implemented for a Saas company. This is done to help the company get more visibility and more exposure for the Saas search engine results. 

Saas SEO just like traditional SEO consists of three major categories: Technical SEO, On-page and Off-page SEO strategies. These strategies can be implemented as a part of Saas SEO and get more visibility for the business. 

SEO Challenges for SaaS Companies

Moving forward with the discussion, here are some of the most common seo challenges that your Saas seo expert can avoid to help your business get more benefit and more profit. 

1. Wrong Keywords Focused

Often Saas companies make this mistake of not having a thorough research and analysis of target keywords. These target keywords if relevant with your niche can help to generate more traffic for your business. However, if not relevant then it won’t help your business with attracting the right target audience. 

No doubt, you will get traffic but not your target audience. Hence it is recommended to have a thorough analysis of the relevant keywords that needs to be focused upon. For this, appoint a Saas SEO expert who can do this analysis for your business and help you get the right audience to your website. 

2. Site Authority Lacking

Building up a website is not enough, it is also essential that you have a strong site authority which can help to get your website ranked in the search engine results. Not having a strong site authority can significantly affect your website traffic and website reach to potential customers. 

For building up the site authority, start by publishing authentic content, add enough backlinks, a digital PR campaign and other strategies. The process of building up your site authority however, is not an overnight process and takes time to show results. So be patient with this one. 

3. Wrong Content Formatting 

There is absolutely no point in publishing a highly relevant content or article with perfect keywords if the formatting is not right. Imagine reading an article which is not quite readable due to small font size, or too dark/light font color and improper formatting. 

This can further lead to increased bounce rate and reduced conversion rate. To ensure this doesn’t happen with your website, pay attention to the formatting of the website content. Write simple short sentences in a readable format. This can help you get more traffic to stay on your website and can also boost your conversion rate. 

4. Image and Video Not Optimized 

Another mistake being made in Saas SEO is not optimizing the images and videos on the website. Businesses often don’t pay attention to optimizing the available graphic content on the website. However, this plays a significant role in the website speed and overall customer satisfaction as well. 

Uploading heavy images or videos will take a lot of time and will become a hurdle in enhancing the customer experience. Hence, it is advisable to optimize all the available images and video content on the website. 

For this you can resize the images and upload a light version of the videos without compromising the quality of the video. This will help to enhance the customer experience and help you get more traffic on your website. Additionally, add meta titles, meta descriptions to the images and videos to help them rank in the search results. 

5. Skipping Website Audits 

Website audits are one of the most crucial aspects of SEO for Saas companies. Having regular website audits will offer you detailed insights about the issues existing in the website and how they can be improved for better results. 

Not conducting regular audits can cause poor website performance, reduced website speed, compromised data security and content optimization. All these factors together can reduce the effectiveness of your website and can have a negative impact on your audience. 

6. No Backlinking 

Developing high quality backlinks is an essential part of Saas SEO, yet several Saas companies neglect this part. Backlinks offer extra credibility to your content and to your website which further builds up the confidence of your audience to rely on your content. 

Websites without enough strong backlinks have a low ranking in the search engine results which can further drive away the traffic of your website, reducing the conversion rate as well. 

7. Duplicate Content 

Publishing duplicate content is of no good. However, a lot of Saas companies face these SEO challenges of generating authentic and relevant content for their website. It is essential for a n effective Saas SEO to leverage authentic and relevant content, optimized with target keywords. Doing so will help to generate more traffic to your website. 

Furthermore, you can also add backlinks to the authentic content being generated for extra credibility and allowing the users to have an enhanced overall experience.  

8. Not Following Google’s E-E-A-T

Another common SEO challenges is not following or complying with Google's E-E-A-T guidelines. E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) these are the new parameters of Google’s ranking algorithm which restrict the websites from using excessively keyword pack content for getting higher ranking. 

Instead of stuffing keywords, ensure that your content is authentic, relevant, and is written by experienced experts that a user can trust. This content will further help to show your authority over the particular topic or niche and get more confidence for the users to interact with your website and the content. 

9. Irregular Website Maintenance 

Another biggest mistake that can be avoided in SEO for Saas companies is not having regular maintenance of the website. Along with regular audits, maintaining the website on a regular basis will further improve the performance of the website and offer the user with enhanced experience. Irregular website maintenance can lead to more unresolved website issues that can have a negative impact in the long run.

10. No Competitive Analysis   

Another mistake often done in Saas SEO is not having a thorough competitive analysis. Understanding what your competitors are offering and doing will help you devise a robust and effective SEO strategy for your website and business. 

In addition to this, having an analysis of your competitors' targeted keywords will further help your business in getting your content ranked in the search engine results. 

Final Thoughts

Now that we have discussed the SEO challenges that almost every Saas SEO experiences once, you can avoid these beforehand and have a robust strategy. Furthermore, it is often recommended to have a dedicated Saas SEO expert for helping you through the process. 

MadHawks is a leading service provider of SEO for Saas companies that can help you with the implementation of Saas SEO. Our expert team can further guide you through the process and help you generate authentic content for your website. 

For more information get in touch with our experts today. 


1. How to do SEO for SaaS business?

For Saas SEO, hire a Saas SEO expert that can guide you through the process, or you can start with keyword research, competitor analysis, website development, and other SEO points as well. 

2. What are some common SEO mistakes to avoid?

Some of the most common SEO mistakes to avoid are: duplicate content, keyword stuffing, missing website audits, skipping website maintenance, and not adding backlinks. 

3. What is SaaS keywords?

Saas keywords are the keywords specific to your saas business that can help to get more visibility to your website in the search results.

4. How important is SEO in a SaaS business?

SEO is important for Saas business as it helps to get the business in touch with the right target audience leveraging the targeted keywords. 

5. How is SEO for SaaS different?

Seo for saas is different as it focuses on the needs of the Saas business and keywords of the particular niche. 

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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