7 Reasons Why Video is The Hottest Growth Hack

Posted By Gaurav | 30-Nov--0001 |
Discover the power of video marketing and how it can skyrocket your business growth. This article reveals the top 7 reasons why video is the hottest growth hack right now.
7 Reasons Why Video is The Hottest Growth Hack

Videos on social media, in today’s world, is proving to be one of the most powerful business assets for an already established business, and also for those that are starting off, it not only helps them in gaining new followers, growing their brand, but it also helps to drive up the sales.

InstagramPinterestFacebookTwitter, and even LinkedIn have been at the forefront of this rapidly changing phenomenon, and they are all continuously evolving with better, bigger, more effective, and engaging means towards progressively pivoting towards video as the format of choice.
This can be because it has been noticed that it is in the videos where the money lies, and it is there where the views, which equal eyes lie.
But why is generating video content so important for brands?
Well, to answer that it’s simple, it is what the consumers want. Social media has evolved from just a mere place for individuals to connect with friends, into a 360° destination for entertainment, education, and e-commerce, inspiration and also to influence individuals on what is available for them.that;s why social media marketing companies doing this type of work to growing rapidly in your businesses.
And in this new world of social media, video content reigns supreme, because the audience would rather be able to see a product or service, rather than read about it, plus watching the vid in under 30 seconds is perfect as it fits within the attention span of the audience.

#1:  More Exposure = More Engagement!

Videos seem to be taking over the digital space by storm, and there is no surprise here, not only has every platform got a function that encourages users to upload content in the video format, but also this content does well for the person who uploads it, thus prompting more such content from creators. Also, the algorithm favours individuals who post regularly, thus giving them more exposure which is what every business needs to be able to gain more traction. So focus on putting out engaging content that your audience will like, and will add value to them.

#2: It Lives on Longer

Videos have a longer life on any digital platform, as also, video content gets more engagement than other content types, it typically sticks around for longer. The main reason behind this could be because video content usually encourages more interactions and shares, which means, it stays in the ecosystem of the application you are sharing it on for a longer period of time.

#3: It’s Growing in Popularity

Research conducted by the platform as early as 2018, had predicted that 54% of consumers wanted to see more video content from the brands or businesses that they support, this is primarily because it gives the business a face and they get taken along on the journey.

During 2019 there was a spike in video sharing as users spent over 6 hours watching videos on a weekly basis, this is 59% higher than the consumption patterns of 2018. This can probably be attributed to crisper and more relevant content being readily available as compared to other mainstream media.In addition to this, the forced isolation and social distancing norms brought about by COVID 19 have also lead to an increase in the creation and consumption of video content.

#4: It is Gen Z Approved

In the present day, Gen Z forms a major chunk of opinion leaders, and videos have been embraced totally by the users, thus making it a cultural phenomenon, which businesses have been capitalizing off.

#5: It Can Reach Audiences Across Multiple Platforms

Producing quality video content may be more time-consuming than taking a photograph, but once complete, you can use the same content to reach different audiences across multiple platforms.

Consider repurposing your video content. For example, short videos that could be used for Instagram Stories can be then converted into Pinterest Video Pins, Instagram Feed videos are often the perfect format for Facebook, and Instagram Live broadcasts can now be automatically shared to IGTV.

The opportunities are endless! Reels can be created and repurposed on other platforms, like Snapchat or Facebook. If you love a vid a little too much, perhaps you could link it in your newsletter too.

#6: A Personal Note

In 2020, being a brand is so much more than selling products, we have all learnt that YOU are your own brand, people want to form a connection, they want to know you, support you, grow with YOU. A great way to do so, is by using, what can definitely be called the most engaging medium, the video format. Showcasing the faces of your brand through video content can humanize your business, doing so helps you show off your personality, and your team members personalities and this can help you create a deeper, more emotional connection between you and your following, thus breaking down the glass wall, and make them family.

#7:  Sales Magnification Tool

It is said that it is a picture that can tell a thousand words, well then it can also be said that it is a video that is worth at least a million. Which is just one of the main defining reasons why the video medium is such a powerful sales tool. Videos allow brands to showcase products dynamically, thus they can be constantly adding valuable context that is almost impossible to achieve through static imagery. The good news for you is that your video content strategy doesn’t need to be overwhelming or expensive it is often seen that it is the simplest, most authentic concepts that can work best, and it is these that are the most helpful in growing a business.

The purchasing power of video is so strong that we’re now seeing platforms emerge that are solely focused on shoppable video, with online stores now adding sections with just videos to showcase their products.

Also Read - Graphic Designer Soft Skills

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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