Google Shut Down Google Business Profiles Websites

Posted By Gaurav | 11-Jan-2024 | Google Updates
Websites created with a Google business profile are being shut down in the coming March. Here are the details that you need to know.
Google Shut Down Google Business Profiles Websites

In a recent update, Google announced that websites made with business profiles will be shut down by this March. Starting this March 1st, 2024, all the websites that are created with a business profile will be shut down. 

It is not a dead end, although in the Google business profiles update it was said that websites would be shut down, but a relaxation has been given where till June 10th, 2024, the traffic would be redirected to your website. However, after this, the user would only land with a ‘page not found’ landing page. 

This Google business profiles update has ignited a debate where website owners are coming up with arguments such as three months is not enough time to make the redirection of the traffic. 

While releasing the update, Google officials said, “Starting from March 1, 2024, customers will be redirected to your Business Profiles when they visit these websites.

google business profile

In the past, you've used a Google feature to make simple websites from the information on your Business Profiles.

This feature is going away in the coming months and will no longer be supported, meaning the sites you created with this tool will be removed. To help with the transition, starting March 1, 2024, customers will be redirected to your Business Profiles.

On your profiles, you can showcase similar information about your business, and also add social media links so customers can learn more. Your websites will redirect customers until June 10, 2024, after which they will show as unavailable.” 

However, Google is not leaving all the users in despair, it has therefore released a help document to guide the users for a better and seamless transition. Here’s what the document says:

  • Domains that are ending with business. site or negocio. site are going to be removed from the website field on the business profile starting in March. It is hence recommended to update the Google business profile for redirecting to a new website.

  • This Google business profile update won’t affect your business profile in any manner. Website traffic will, however, be redirected to your business profile for all the websites made with Google's business profile.

  • If your website is not made with a Google business profile, then any of these updates or changes will not affect your business or website traffic and there is no need for you to redirect your traffic. 

Additional Tools

Now that Google business profile turned off, here are some additional tools that you can use as an alternative to this: 

  • GoDaddy

  • Wix

  • WordPress

  • Shopify

  • Google Sites

  • Squarespace

Challenges to be Faced

If your website is made using a Google business profile, here are some challenges that you might have to face if you don’t make the transition happen before March 1st 2024. 

  • Ad campaigns will be affected, as a solution either redirect it or pause the campaigns  

  • Traffic would be redirected to a ‘page not found’ landing page 

  • Website traffic would get affected 

Here are a few responses to this but a ton of SEOs got this mail, so I didn't incorporate everything:


Concluding the Discussion

Since it is official to shut down Google Business profiles websites, it is recommended that you redirect the traffic to a new website that is created using any of the above-mentioned tools to further avoid any issues. 

Additionally, leverage the three months time given to strategize and plan this transition for a seamless user experience. For more information and assistance get in touch with our experts here at MadHawks for seamless solutions. 


What the effect of businesses from Google business profile updates?

The effects of Google business profile update is that all the websites would be shut down that are created using Google business profiles, cause a loss of website traffic and audience to the business. Additionally, ad campaigns would also be affected in the process. 

What is the difference between a suspended and disabled Google Business Profile?

A disabled Google business profile is a profile that has been disabled due to non-compliance with the terms of Google and cannot be used again. Whereas a suspended Google business profile can be revived by complying with the terms and conditions. 

How long does it take for Google My Business to be removed?

In general, it takes about 60 days or more to remove the Google My business profile completely. It can further take more time depending on the circumstances and situation. 

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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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