MadHawks Review What AI Can and Can't Do for Marketers

Posted By Gaurav | 25-Oct-2023 | Search Engine Optimization

What AI can and can’t do for marketers, let’s dive into the discussion for a better understating of AI for marketers.

MadHawks Review What AI Can and Can't Do for Marketers

MadHawks being an SEO service provider has always been keen to explore the wide range of options available for the marketing industry. Although there are various options available, one of the most talked about options as of now is AI for marketers. Let’s explore here what AI can and can’t do for marketers. 

Google in a recent blog article said that as per their estimation over 80% of marketers are using one or the other form of AI for marketing. These AI tools such as AI-powered search ads products are being used in the most marketing industry. 

However, AI technology is claimed to be the replacement of human intelligence and efforts in the marketing industry, it has been observed that AI tools are not alone effective and sufficient for marketing. 

Impact of AI on Marketers

One such impact of AI on marketers can be observed in the marketing of snack giant Mondelez International where the brand partnered with Google Cloud and redesigned its marketing strategy and campaigns leveraging AI marketing. As a result, the brand witnessed an increase in the ROI by 10% globally and 20% in the US while also expanding its customer base.

This further allowed the brand to further expand its digital presence and kick-start its digital transformation journey. Additionally, the brand used personalized content for its users and has witnessed better results. 

Additionally, there are various other brands as well that can be seen leveraging and answering the question of what AI can and can’t do for marketers. This list further consists of OxiClean which is observed with a 3.9x increase in conversion and a 72% decrease in cost per conversion. 

Moving on, AI marketing tools, although proving to be beneficial, are not always helpful as they cannot be as creative as a human mind can be. The efficiency of the human mind cannot be replaced by introducing AI for marketers. 

The list of impact of AI on marketers is however quite long, but can be summarized in the following major points: 

  • Cannot be as creative as human mind 

  • Can’t empathize with people 

  • AI for marketers can be time saving and efficient 

  • AI marketing can help build trust and bond with customers 

  • It can enhance your creativity 

What do MadHawks say about AI can and can’t do for marketers?

MadHawks being a digital marketing agency has always been the one to explore the recent trends in marketing such as AI marketing. Although there are still certain limitations to AI for marketers, there are certain benefits as well. 

However, we also say that what AI can and can’t do for marketers is not the question, the question should be how effective it is and is it actually beneficial or not. Additionally, ethics should be followed and not marketing should not become completely AI reliable. 

For more information, you can read our blogs and get in touch with our expert team. 


How AI will change the marketing industry?

Leveraging AI marketing, the industry can be benefited in different ways such as it is time-saving, data analytics, helps you build bonds with customers and allows you to better understand the customer for enhanced services. 

How AI will be beneficial for the future of marketing?

AI can be beneficial for the future of marketing as it is becoming more efficient every day and can be time saving when it comes to analyzing the data and predicting the trends and trace the customer behavior. 

Can digital marketing be taken over by AI?

No, digital marketing can not be taken over by AI as AI has certain limitations to it. It cannot be as creative as a human mind can be and cannot think from the emotional perspective of the customer which gives digital marketing an edge. 

How to use AI in marketing 2023?

To use AI in marketing 2023, you can leverage Google ad search products and other tools that can help you analyze and predict trends, help understand customer behavior better, and make better marketing strategies. 

Will AI replace SEO?

No, AI cannot replace SEO as with AI there are limitations that don't allow AI to think from the strategic point of view which a digital marketer can do when it comes to SEO and other marketing strategies.  

Read Blog - Meta Announcement For AI WhatsApp Stickers 


Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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