Paid Marketing Is Important for Digital Marketing

Posted By Gaurav | 05-Aug-2022 | PPC
Learn why incorporating paid marketing into your digital marketing efforts is a powerful and effective way to reach your audience and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.
Paid Marketing Is Important for Digital Marketing

Can you build a house without a foundation? Sure. Can it withstand storms and support growth? No. And the same goes for your company’s digital marketing strategy. It needs to be in with the times, and also created in a way that can let you and your business be set for growth.

A lot of marketers, in the initial stage, choose to dive right into creating traffic and try this method to be able to generate leads. But that’s like building walls and installing doors before you take the time to lay a proper foundation for your house.

In 2022 it is key that you have a strong digital marketing foundation. It is key because this is the cornerstone that generates brand awareness, drives traffic, and guides lead through your funnel to the decision-making stage. And, it sets your business up for a lifetime of success.

Using paid marketing is the best path to generating more leads. So, do you want to drive more leads for your business from digital channels like search engines, email marketing, and social media? Great. You have come to the right place. We at MadHawks do just that, and we are here to explain the same to you, so you may understand the concept better.

What we do is structured for you to be able to grow your business, by using a digital marketing program designed to drive more prospective buyers to your website, convert these prospects into leads, and those leads into sales.

For the noob, digital marketing is marketing online, but we all know that it is much more than that, it is a lifestyle and a way to grow to a great extent. Digital marketing is pretty self-explanatory; it’s defined as online and internet marketing using digital tools that have the power to completely change your brand’s positioning.

But digital marketing is also about the type of methodology under which you can use these tools to able to target your content to the right audience. It’s important to note here that a great digital marketing strategy doesn’t happen overnight. That’s where we come in.

What works is being able to know what is working and keep doing that and make changes to what is not working. What we do is, figure out a custom digital marketing plan for you that is based on your business goals, and then we execute the plan every month.

This plan can help you to achieve the following goals in your strategy:

  1. Attract More Prospects – Gain more website traffic through content marketing (blogging), email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click marketing (PPC), and social media.
  2. Convert More Leads – Once you have more traffic on your website, you need to convert the traffic from an anonymous website visitor to an identifiable lead. 
  3. Close More Sales – Leads are no good if they don’t close. We can help you with the tools to be able to close the same and generate more leads.

This is where a strong foundation comes into play. We aren’t just creating content or running a paid ad for the sake of doing so. Instead, what we recommend is working to understand your audience’s challenges and pain points, identify keyword opportunities, and create tailor-made content that positions your business as their best solution. We believe that there is proof in the pudding, and you can check the results and know what we are talking about. We often hear of companies that give up on content too early. But if it’s created strategically, that content could always work a little harder for your business.

Here are some of the digital marketing tactics that are the best means to aid what you are doing with paid media and will help you to generate more sales. 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Webinar Production
  • Content Marketing (Blogging & Article Writing)
  • Downloadable Content Offerings (eBooks, Whitepapers, Webinars)
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Production
  • Website Design A/B Testing
  • Landing Page Strategy
  • Call-To-Action Strategy
  • Link Building/Earning
  • Infographic Design
  • Marketing Automation
  • Lead Nurture Strategy
  • Public Relations (PR)
Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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