The Importance of Technical SEO in Modern SEO Services

Posted By Gaurav | 05-Jan-2024 | Search Engine Optimization
Just having a well-designed website is not enough to build your brand’s online presence. There are a lot more factors that you need to consider. Technical SEO is one such aspect that we will discuss further in this article
The Importance of Technical SEO in Modern SEO Services

Are you publishing high-quality content but still not able to achieve high rankings on Google? You are probably lacking somewhere in the technical SEO of your website. Numerous companies are offering SEO services in India. But most of them just focus on on-page and off-page practices while overlooking the importance of technical elements like page speed, site architecture, etc. 

Being a top professional SEO services company, MadHawks understands the importance of technical SEO. Through this article, we will help you understand what technical SEO is, why it is important, and what are the core elements you need to look at.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the process of improving your site’s rankings on search engines by improving its technical elements like website architecture, XML sitemap, etc. It forms the basis for a website’s crawl ability, indexation, and performance. Aspects like page speed and mobile responsiveness play a crucial role in the ranking of a website. 

Google sees websites with fast page speed and good mobile responsiveness as relevant ones that fulfill search intent and are easily accessible to users. The better the technical SEO of a website, the better the chances of it ranking high on search engines. No matter how high-quality content you have published, if your website’s technical SEO is not good enough, it will not be very visible to your target audience. This further affects the online visibility of your business. 

Why is Technical SEO Important?

Technical SEO is as important as the other SEO tactics that you perform to improve your website’s visibility in Google search results. It directly impacts how your website ranks on Google and how it performs overall. If search engines cannot easily access or understand your website content, your web pages will not appear on SERPs. Along with the content quality and on-page SEO practices, it is equally important to pay attention to the technical SEO of your site.

Google itself has confirmed that technical elements like page speed and mobile friendliness affect the rankings of webpages in Google search results. Pages that take too long to load can affect user experience negatively, which causes them to leave your site without exploring it. This further affects your website rankings.

Core Elements of Technical SEO and Ways to Improve Them

Some of the core pillars of technical SEO are listed below along with the significant ways to improve them:

1. Website Architecture

The architecture of a website refers to the well-structured organization of web pages on a website. It is basically about how pages of a website are related to each other and how they can be ranked. For example, you can have different sections like About Page, Blogs Page, Services Page, etc, on your website. Under each of these pages, you can have different subpages like different topics and then subtopics under the Blogs section. A well-structured website is easy to explore for the users as they can easily navigate through different pages linked to each other. 

2. Page Speed

Users always prefer websites that do not keep them waiting for longer periods of time. Every digital information needs to be provided instantly in order to improve user experience. This is why the page speed of a website matters. Studies suggest that most users leave a website if it doesn’t load within a few seconds after opening. 

The longer your website pages take to load, the harder it is to get your website rank on search engines. As per a study, a delay of just 100 milliseconds causes a 7% reduction in conversion rates of a website. Therefore, page speed becomes an important aspect to consider when looking at the technical SEO elements of your website.

3. Mobile Optimization

To make your website accessible to the maximum number of users, it is essential to optimize it for mobile phones. Make sure that your website looks and works as good as with mobile phones as it works with desktops. Almost everyone has a mobile phone today. The experience of users with your website depends heavily on how your website works on mobiles. You can use Google’s mobile-friendly test to check whether your website is usable on mobile devices or not.

4. Security & HTTPS

Using HTTPS, which is a secure version of HTTP, is essential to ensure the security of user data on your websites. Users are less likely to trust websites that do not use HTTPS. It helps protect sensitive user information and their financial details from being misused by fraudsters. You can check whether your website uses HTTPS or not simply by visiting the site. A website where the ‘lock’ icon appears along with the site URL uses HTTPS. If your site URL appears along with a warning ‘not secure,’ your site is not using HTTPS.

In this case, you will need to install an SSL certificate for your website. This certificate confirms the authenticity of your website and makes it secure for the users. This will redirect all your users to the HTTPS version of your website. 

5. Structured Data

Websites with structured data are easier to understand for search engines and are more likely to achieve featured snippets. These snippets make your website look more authentic and trustworthy. Google supports plenty of structured data markups and you can choose to go with any one that seems suitable for your website. You can choose it based on the nature of the pages to which you want to add the structured data.

Consider Technical SEO When Looking for Modern SEO Services

When partnering with an SEO services company in Delhi or anywhere, make sure that you check their technical capabilities. Technical SEO plays a crucial role in website rankings. No matter how good your website content is, your website will not achieve top rankings unless its technical SEO is good. Factors like page speed, website security, website architecture, mobile optimization, etc, are extremely important to get your website ranked on Google.

You can partner with modern SEO service companies like MadHawks. With the right knowledge of technical SEO and access to all the essential tools, the SEO team at MadHawks ensures that every aspect of your website is perfect for search engines. For any further information, contact us today!


1. What are SEO management services?

Ans. SEO management services are professional services that focus on increasing the visibility of a website on search engines like Google. 

2. Is SEO an IT service?

Ans. No, SEO, which refers to Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing service.

3. Is SEO better than Google Ads?

Ans. SEO and Google Ads both are important to improving the online presence of a brand. While SEO is good for creating long-term impact and building brand trust, paid ads give you instant results.


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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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