Understanding the Google RankBrain Update: Decoding Its Impact on SEO

Posted By Gaurav | 07-Nov-2023 | Google Updates
Google Rankbrain update for better search results released as an extension of Google Hummingbird update. Read more about the rankbrain update below.
Understanding the Google RankBrain Update: Decoding Its Impact on SEO

To enhance professional SEO services, Google released its Rankbrain update. This Rankbrain algorithm is part of Google’s core algorithm that allows it to identify the most relevant results based on the search queries. It leverages machine learning to offer the best suitable results for search queries. Leveraging Google Rankbrain would enable the SEO service providers to offer better, professional SEO services. 

Let’s have a look at the Google Rankbrain update in depth. 

What is Rankbrain Update?

Google Rankbrain update is an AI (artificial technology) leveraging update released by Google to analyze search queries and recommend the most suitable search results. This update was released as there was a lot of ambiguity while showing results in the search results. 

Google Rankbrain update is a part of the Google Hummingbird update released in 2013. Further, the Rankbrain algorithm was introduced in 2015 by Google as an extension of the Google Hummingbird update

In the initial phase of releasing the Google Rankbrain update, it was already dealing with 15% of queries that the system had never encountered. Furthermore, by 2016, it was being used to process all the search queries and offer better results.

How does the Rankbrain update work?

The Rankbrain update analyzes and understands user's intentions to offer better search results. In this new update, whenever a user enters a search query, the query goes through an interpretation phase that identifies the user intent and better understands it to provide suitable recommendations for search results. 

Furthermore, the Rankbrain in SEO is regarded as the third most important ranking factor in Google’s ranking algorithm. Additionally, due to the integration of AI in this algorithm, Google's search algorithm has developed and becomes brighter; also, The Knowledge Graph, which provides all relevant information in SERPs, has improved. 

Another aspect to consider is that the Rankbrain algorithm uses stop words previously ignored by Google’s algorithms. Also, it would not only analyze the query for better results but also understand the behavior and the next coming question and offer search results for that as well. 

For Rankbrain update to function efficiently, it analyzes the user's question and the questioning behavior, and it also considers the user’s location, current trends in search queries, and historical data to offer better results in SERPs.  

Impacts of Rankbrain Update

Once the Rankbrain in SEO was released, it changed the dynamics of the rankings, SEO, and user content. The most significant impacts of the Rankbrain algorithm are as follows:

  • Add suitable content 

After the rank brain update was released, it became necessary for website owners to add content that is suitable for the user’s needs and not just from an SEO perspective. This would help your website to automatically get a higher ranking as the data provided would be highly relevant as per the user query. 

  • Build the website's reputation

Google Rankbrain update allowed the websites to curate and create their specific reputation by offering a specific category of user-relevant information. It required the websites to develop their reputation in the specific field they want to rank by offering content to the most asked search queries in that category. This would help your website to rank higher in the specific category. 

  • Focus on total keywords  

Instead of focusing on single keywords and creating different pages for different keywords, incorporate relevant keywords into one page to offer the user better information and search results in a single destination. 

Need of Rankbrain Update

Now that we have established the basics of the Rankbrain algorithm let’s have a look at why Google introduced this update in the first place. 

Google released the Google Rankbrain update to cater to the complex user search queries. Another reason for this update was that most users were getting access to mobile phones, using long-tail keywords, and voice search on mobile devices. The traditional methods of generating search results were not effective anymore. Hence, there was a need for a more accurate process. 

Google Rankbrain update helped to understand the intent of these complex search queries and, based on different factors, offered better search results. Furthermore, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning was more efficient and effective. It enhanced the user search experience and provided relevant search results and information. 

MadHawk’s take on Rankbrain Update

Being a digital marketing agency, we understand the need and importance of having clear communication on your web pages and offering the user relevant information. The Google Rankbrain update understands the user's intentions better and offers them better and highly relevant information. 

We, as a marketing and SEO service provider, suggest you follow the Rankbrain update and offer highly relevant information on your web pages; this will serve two different purposes: to make your website rank higher in the SERPs and to make the user trust your webpage. 

Furthermore, if you wish to know more about our services, contact our experts today. 


What is RankBrain update in SEO?

RankBrain changes the algorithm and ranks the web pages with the most relevant content per the search query on the highest ranking. 

Is RankBrain still used?

Yes, the Google Rankbrain update is still being used. Since its launch, it has been processing all search queries on the Google search engine. 

When did RankBrain start?

Rankbrain update was released in 2015 as an extension of the Google Hummingbird update. 

How does the RankBrain algorithm work?

It understands the user intent, questioning behavior, and historical aspects and offers results based on the most suitable and relevant information. 

Is RankBrain a ML model?

Yes, Rankbrain is a machine learning model. It leverages machine learning to understand better and analyze the user behavior and intent of questions. 


Also Read: A Complete Guide To Know About Google Penguin Update

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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