Why Most People Stop Reading A Blog Midway

Posted By Gaurav | 25-Jul-2022 | Content Marketing
The goal of any good blog is to reach the right audience and create an impact by providing valuable insights or moving the reader in some way. Despite numerous online blogs, many readers still need to finish reading them for various reasons.
Why Most People Stop Reading A Blog Midway

The goal of any good blog is for it to reach the right people and when it does that the main purpose for that blog is to make an impact and in making that impact it should as a writer give that person insights or move the reader in some way. There are a ton of blogs on the internet, and some really good ones too, and through content if t many readers never really finish reading the entire blog, why? The reasons could be varied, but the goal is to get your blog read and we shall tell you what are the reasons most people stop reading a blog

1. Lacklustre

Reading a blog that seems bland, one that lacks lustre and does not add anything to the main idea can totally make a reader stop reading the blog and just move on and read something different. Ensure that your blog can hook your reader and when it does that, also make sure that you are adding in facts figures and data that can support what has been written thus helping make your blog stand out. 

2. In-Coherent

An in-coherent blog would be one with several scattered ideas. It can be one where the main idea does not stay the same throughout and that keeps changing throughout the blog. A blog like this will not only confuse people but will also make people lose interest midway through the read. 

3. Untrue Information 

There is nothing worse than reading a blog that has untrue information, it is like getting your information from the University of WhatsApp. Make sure that you fact-check your information and when you do that ensure that this information is also updated information and cite the sources of the data that you are using. Another great add-on is to add videos and pictures to represent it well so that it can be easy to understand. 

4. Plagiarised Content 

Plagiarised content will not only give you a bad reputation in the industry, but it also looks like you are not original with your work. Please ensure that you are not plagiarising content in whatever you publish. Yes, you can reference content, but you may not just copy and paste the entire content. Another reason plagiarised content will not work well is that a plagiarised piece of content will not be unique thus no one will read repeated content. 

5. Lack Of Time

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world people do not have the time to read through content if they don’t feel like it adds value to their life. Thus you must add points so that people can choose to read what they want to read. This will reduce people leaving your blogs reading because they did not find the data that they need. 

We hope these pointers have helped you, and you are now able to structure your blog and can create content in a way that hooks your audience and when it does that it also ensures that they become repeated readers of your content.

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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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