Google Hummingbird Update: Decoded With Its Impact in SEO

Posted By Gaurav | 30-Oct-2023 | Search Engine Optimization
Google hummingbird update in SEO introduced by Google, what it is, and how it functions, read below for more such information.
Google Hummingbird Update: Decoded With Its Impact in SEO

In our series of celebrating Google's 25th birthday, we are doing a review of 25 unforgettable updates by Google, and we are back with another blog. In its attempt to offer professional seo services, Google has been releasing a lot of updates, here is another update, another blog on Google Hummingbird update. 

What is the Google Hummingbird update?

The Hummingbird algorithm is a search algorithm that was released by Google in 2013 in an attempt to replace the previously launched Caffeine algorithm. Unlike the previously launched Panda update and Penguin update, Google Hummingbird update was different as there was no penalty system here or ranking of websites based on the content quality. 

Instead with the hummingbird algorithm the search results were getting better as it allowed Google to also include relevant and related search results in the SERPs. For instance, if you were to search for a particular word such as Tea, before hummingbird updates the results would be of  web pages consisting particularly of the word tea.

However, with Hummingbird update in SEO the search results became wider and now it would show you all options and search results that consists of the word Tea and any other synonyms of the word. The humming update in SEO allowed Google to make the search results more contextual and relevant.  

The Hummingbird update didn’t have any negative impact on rankings and visibility on search results; rather it had some positive results on Google's knowledge base also known as ‘Knowledge graph’. 

Google Hummingbird Algorithm and SEO

With the release of Google Hummingbird update, there were several impacts observed in different segments of the search results. Here we are going to provide you an overview of its effects on SEO services specifically. 

One of the biggest impacts of hummingbird update in SEO was that now there was less focus on the keywords being used in the search query, instead a wide range of search results were being generated that were even slightly relevant to the search query. 

While some said that this made the use of keywords irrelevant, others argued that with this you don’t have to write content specific to the keywords, instead you can write content with a broad spectrum and include topics of relevance. 

Google Hummingbird and other impacts

  • Voice search

With hummingbird updates, voice search was gaining more popularity as voice search in itself was becoming a sensation in the SEO, enabling better search results. Along with this hummingbird update, the search query became easier just by asking, ‘how to repair a leaking tap’, ‘how to bake a cake’, etc. 

  • Mobile search 

Mobiles and the internet were at their peak and with mobiles came voice search and people could easily access these features for better search results and experience. 

  • Knowledge graph 

Google’s knowledge graph was evolving as with hummingbird updates not only the keyword was shown in results, but other contextual relevant content was also displayed and made the search results better. 

  • Semantic search 

Hummingbird updates had an impact on semantic search results as there was less focus on keywords and displayed a large number of search results that were in any relation to the search query. 

Optimizing content for Hummingbird updates

If you are interested in making your content more relevant as per the Google Hummingbird update, here are few points for you to consider:

  • Varying content length 

For better results, don’t just stick to long forms of content, instead include the content of different lengths. Try short forms of content and make a mix of different forms of content to keep the reader engaged. 

  • Incorporating visual content 

Add some visual content as well which will allow the user to get more engaged and also you can use tags and keywords in the visual content to get better results. 

  • Include semantically related keywords 

Have a thorough understanding of semantically related keywords that will provide you with better results and incorporate such keywords into your content. Ensure that the keywords added are naturally flowing instead of stuffing. 

  • Identify the buyer persona and purchasing behavior

Understand the needs and behavior of your target audience and learn what interests them to keep your content updated and keep them engaged. 

  • Track metrics 

Keep a check on how your content and keywords are performing throughout the time and review the strategies that are not working out for you. 

MadHawks and Google Hummingbird Update

MadHawks being your reliable partner throughout the digital marketing journey would advise you to follow the strategies to keep your content relevant and updates as per the hummingbird algorithm. 

Furthermore, the highly professional team of SEO experts here at MadHawks ensure that your content is in compliance with all the recent updates and strategies of Google to provide you with better results. 

For more information get in touch with our experts today. 


What was the main focus of the Google Hummingbird algorithm update?

The main focus of Google Hummingbird algorithm update is to include contextually relevant search results and reduce the focus on keywords as to provide a large spectrum of highly related search results. 

When did Google Hummingbird update release?

Google Hummingbird update was released in September 2013. However, there are a few reports that state that this was launched in August 2013 before being launched officially in September 2013.

what was the effect of Hummingbird in SEO?

Impact of the Hummingbird update in SEO was that now there was less focus on keywords and semantic search as contextually relevant content was also being incorporated with voice search, mobile search, and local search. 

What is the Hummingbird algorithm used for?

It is used to augment Google’s knowledge graph and provide the user with a wide range of relevant information with their search query. 

Read Blog -  Penguin Update By Google: An Extension To Panda Update


Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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