E-Commerce SEO Strategies for 2024: All You Need to Know

Posted By Gaurav | 21-Mar-2024 | Search Engine Optimization
If you are looking to get some recent trends, strategies to follow, and best practices for e-commerce SEO, read below for more information.
E-Commerce SEO Strategies for 2024: All You Need to Know

If you look at the world today, 80% of it is governed by e-commerce websites and platforms. These platforms have not only redefined the customer shopping experience, but also offered businesses to implement e-commerce SEO and get more visibility in search engine results.

It also has been predicted that approx. 90% of purchases will be done leveraging these e-commerce platforms only in the coming years. Hence, it makes it even more important for businesses to focus on SEO for e-commerce businesses.

Moving ahead in this blog we will be discussing basics of e-commerce SEO strategy, best practices to follow and trends for 2024 to follow. Let’s roll! 

Understanding E-commerce Website Optimization

SEO for e-commerce or e-commerce website optimization simply means, a set of SEO strategies being implemented in the e-commerce industry or business to help get more traffic on the website, increase sales, and boost revenue as well. 

For every e-commerce website the e-commerce SEO strategy can change as per the requirements and the goals they are trying to achieve. Keeping that aside, here are some of the most common elements of an e-commerce SEO strategy.

  1. Thorough keyword research
  2. Website optimization
  3. On-page and off-page SEO elements 
  4. Quality content generation 
  5. Backlinking

Importance of SEO for E-commerce 

As we already mentioned, for every e-commerce website that is trying to get more traffic and visibility, implementing SEO strategies is essential. However, there are more factors that comes into the picture, here are some:

1. Increased Visibility

One of the most obvious and important points is the increased visibility of the e-commerce store in the search engine results pages. This allows your business to attract more audience and more customers to your website.

2. Local Business/Audience

Integrating SEO for e-commerce can attract more local audiences or business to your website. This is beneficial for your business if you are in the initial stages of your business. Leveraging this you can further increase the chance of getting your business more recognition in the market.

3. Increased Sales & Profit 

More visibility leads to more sales and more profit being generated for your business. This further allows you to invest more in your SEO strategies and get more benefits for your business.

4. Cost-Effective

Investing in e-commerce SEO strategy is a cost-effective way to attract more customers and get more visibility for your business. For every business it is essential to invest in SEO strategies to ensure more lead generation for your business and get brand awareness with low investment.

5. Builds Trust   

If your customers can see your website in the first few search results, it automatically builds trust for your business, increasing the chances of conversion.

Key E-commerce SEO Strategy to Follow

Taking another step ahead, let’s look at some of the most effective and key strategies for you to follow in your e-commerce SEO strategies.

1. Keyword Research

One of the first and initial steps is to carry out a thorough keyword research that is suitable and relevant to your products. These keywords when incorporated in your website content will help to get your more visibility.

Before picking out keywords, carry out keyword research for your competition as well, understand which keywords they are using and if you can integrate them into your content. Furthermore, pick a mix of long-tail and short-tail keywords to create a balance between the two and get more traffic generated for your website. 

In addition to this, also look for factors such as cost-per-click, traffic, search volume and others. For this you can leverage various online tools available and identify the target keywords for your e-commerce platform. 

2. Optimize Website Architecture

Next step is to ensure that your website has a robust architecture and offers customers a satisfactory experience while browsing through the website. Moreover, ensure a seamless navigation through the website with relevant information available and engaging content.

Another point here is a thumb rule for every e-commerce website that every product should be three clicks away from the homepage. This rule ensures that the customers don’t have to spend a lot of time searching for the required product.

Furthermore, this allows customers to interact with your website, make purchases for the required product and finish up the process in less time. This further contributes to enhanced customer satisfaction and experience, and attracts more customers to your e-commerce site.

3. On-Page SEO

As the next step you are required to focus on the on-page SEO efforts for your website. This would ensure that your website is visually appealing and engaging for the users. Uploading relevant and unique content on the website is also a part of on-page SEO for e-commerce.

In addition to this, focus on writing meta titles, meta descriptions, using short keywords in the URL, adding schema markup, and internal linking for making your website engaging for the audience to interact with.

You can also use engaging graphics and visuals to make the website more engaging and relatable for the audience and gain more traffic.

4. Unique Product Descriptions

Writing unique, authentic, and highly engaging product descriptions for all the products is also essential for e-commerce SEO. This would help the audience to get the required information about the product and allow them to interact with the website.

In addition to this, adding unique content with right keywords would further increase the chances of your products getting ranked in the search results.

5. Site Load Speed

Ensuring that your website is not taking up too much time to load is another factor of consideration in the SEO for e-commerce. Having a good site load speed is another factor that can influence the customer overall experience and generate more traffic and leads for your website.

6. Backlinking 

We have discussed this in our previous articles as well, backlinking is an essential element for creating authority and credibility for your website. For this you need high quality backlinking with reputed websites to support your content. 
For this you can use different platforms for promoting your products and creating backlinks such as Quroa and other platforms. These backlinks will help the audience to get more confidence on your products and will also help with getting your products more visibility.

7. Site Security

Being an e-commerce platform you will be possessing data of various customers. Ensuring that the website is secure enough to not leak the customer information is an essential part of e-commerce SEO.

E-commerce SEO Trends for 2024

Since we are now living in 2024, let’s look at some tips and best practices to follow for e-commerce SEO strategy for 2024.

  1. Focus on website page load speed and optimization
  2. Technical SEO still plays an important role
  3. Mobile-friendly website are preferred 
  4. High quality, unique content still ranks better 
  5. Leverage video content for better reach and engagement rate 
  6. Thorough keywords research still required 
  7. Add customer testimonials to highlight strengths 
  8. Add product reviews
  9. Leverage different marketing channels
  10. Leverage voice search and generative AI 
  11. Enhance user experience 
  12. Refurbish old content 
  13. User intent optimized content

Following the above listed points will help you devise your e-commerce strategy for 2024 seamlessly. 

Leading E-commerce Tool

Now that we have reached the end of this discussion, here are a few e-commerce tools that are helping the industry. 

  1. SEOant
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Ahref
  4. Avada SEO & Image Optimizer
  5. Google Search Console

These tools can help you devise your e-commerce SEO strategy and start your e-commerce journey. 

Concluding Points

MadHawks being a digital marketing agency has always laid emphasis on leveraging SEO for e-commerce and other platforms as well. It is one of the most important and crucial aspects to be integrated in any business.

With our expert SEO team you get expert guidance, defined goals, monthly updates, progress reports and tracking for enabling you assess the goals and growth for your business. For more information about e-commerce SEO read our previous blogs on the same.

For more information get in touch with our expert teams today.


1. What is SEO in e-commerce?

SEO in e-commerce is a set of SEO strategies being implemented to allow the e-commerce website to gain more visibility, traffic and boost sales as well.

2. What is the difference between SEO and e-commerce SEO?

The difference between SEO and e-commerce SEO is that the later one is specific for e-commerce websites and includes certain additional features.

3. Is SEO important for e-commerce?

Yes, SEO is important for e-commerce to generate more traffic, brand awareness, and more sales for the business.

4. How important is SEO in an e-commerce business?

SEO is an important and integral part of an e-commerce business as it allows the business to interact and reach to the audience with a low investment and get more profit out of it.

5. How do I create an SEO strategy for my e-commerce website?

Get in touch with MadHawks today for generating your e-commerce SEO strategy. Or start by identifying your goals, and start implementing SEO strategy in your website.

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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