Boost Your Business on LinkedIn

Posted By Gaurav | 23-Aug-2022 | PPC

Well, the Pandemic has seen a huge surge of people going back to their digital roots and horning on their skills to market themselves, business and ideas. So, you wanna grow your business with LinkedIn?

Boost Your Business on LinkedIn

Well, the Pandemic has seen a huge surge of people going back to their digital roots and honing on their skills to market themselves, their businesses, and their ideas. So, you wanna grow your business with LinkedIn?

We got you covered, read on and then get ready to hop onto, or re hop onto the world’s largest professional networking digital space, here it is also possible for you can generate leads, produce sales, and hire professionals, who can be a jigsaw puzzle piece to help propel growth and thus help you to fuel your growth.Here are seven ways we have to help you grow your business using LinkedIn.

1. Create a Company Page on LinkedIn

Research has provided us with evidence that on LinkedIn, its members are 50% more likely to buy once they’ve engaged with your business on Linkedin. But note that they won’t be able to connect with you if you don’t have a LinkedIn Company Page. 

According to research conducted by Forbes, only 57% of companies on the platform have pages. The remaining 43% are missing out on the free opportunity to use the platform as a means to generate leads, talent, and, ultimately, revenue.

Such a page also allows you to promote yourself as a brand, highlight sales, offers, and key features, and be able to get seen by all those who are connected to your page.

2. Promote Your Company Page

So you are done with creating a page for your business, now share this with all your employees and amongst individuals in your network, and they stand a chance of following your page, thus increasing your connections.

This will help you gain your first followers, who in time will be able to help you promote your Company Page on the content you post to it. 

Another tried and tested way to help build a following and be able to find the right audience for you, you can do so by promoting your page on other platforms or via email, as this is also a great way to grow your audience.

3. Share Content Regularly

The more you post, the more people you can potentially reach and these people would be interested in connecting and engaging with you thus you would be able to convert them into prospective followers, and then prospective buyers.

The accounts on LinkedIn that have the best results and the best engagement are the ones where the page managers can ensure that visitors have plenty of new content to consume and share.

At the onset, you could post once a day, and then once you figure out your groove and can find out what exactly your audience likes, you can put out more such content, and then maybe increase the post from once to twice or thrice a day, but don’t go beyond that.

In addition to posting often, here are a few more stats to help you boost engagement:

  • Posts with links receive up to 45% more engagement
  • Images see an incredible 98% increase in engagement
  • Posts that have relevant “best-of” lists get almost 40% more amplification

4. Showcase Thought Leadership

79% of buyers say thought leadership is critical for determining which companies they want to learn more about. 

To get started with thought leadership content, try to provide a unique perspective on your industry, product, or organization. Sharing your opinion on the future of your industry or creating a definitive guide on your product are just two ways to demonstrate your expertise and position your company as a credible partner.

5. Target Sales Prospects

LinkedIn has over 500 million users to date, and this number is projected to keep growing, as people are seen to be harnessing this space to market, network, and sell. That may seem like a lot of individuals to sort through, but LinkedIn also provides you with tools to identify and target your ideal audience.

LinkedIn members are more likely than other social media users to keep their profiles up-to-date, making it easier for you to find the right people who would be the right fit for you and your business, making it possible for you to cut through the clutter.

Using LinkedIn profile data like a navigator, thus you shall be able to search for LinkedIn members based on their geographic location, education, experience, and even connections. And then, once you’ve found your audience who are prospects found using the search feature, visit their profiles and engage with their post, so they notice you. 

6. Hire Freelancers

You’ve probably had an employee who took on a task outside of their domain, or you may have done that yourself, well, the effort you have put in is indeed commendable, but at the same time, if you do have the budget to hire, do bear in mind that learning on the fly can also be detrimental.

Fortunately for you, the process of finding the right talent for the task you have at hand isn’t as tricky as it once was, even if do not have the budget to hire a full-time employee, hiring a freelancer for a job through LinkedIn, will help you gain recognition, as these individuals will mention that they are working with you or have worked with you, thus you are getting free advertisement on someone else’s profile. 

Read Also - Unconventional Ways To Boost Engagement On Instagram

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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