E-commerce SEO Guide Decoded for Your Business

Posted By Gaurav | 22-Nov-2023 | Search Engine Optimization
If you are looking to drive more potential customers to your business, this blog is for you. Here we are going to discuss e-commerce SEO strategy and tools. Read below for more details.
E-commerce SEO Guide Decoded for Your Business

From the account of a leading SEO services company, MadHawks we are back with another insightful blog loaded with useful information and tips on e-commerce SEO to help your business grow and attract more potential customers from the search results. 

What is E-commerce SEO?

E-commerce SEO is a set of marketing strategies leveraged to optimize an online business or online store to enhance its visibility and ranking in the search results on search engine platforms such as Google. 

E-commerce SEO tools focus on enhancing the performance of product & services and category pages as these are the most important and most visited pages for an online store. It is also regarded as one of the most cost-effective methods implemented to reach customers instead of spending on paid ads or keyword bidding. 

Furthermore, an e-commerce SEO strategy includes the following points that are to be considered while you are devising SEO for e-commerce websites. 

1. Technical SEO

  • The first and foremost factor that you should consider is technical SEO for your e-commerce website. Here you need to ensure that your website is secure with HTTPS. It is used for transferring data from the website to the visitors and prevents hackers from stealing or accessing the sensitive data that your visitors have shared such as personal information and credit card details as well. Additionally, it has also been a ranking contributing factor since 2014.

  • Secondly, ensure that your website or online store is easy to navigate and the UI is user-friendly. All the categories, products, and home page should be interlinked for easy navigation from one page to another and is time-saving for the visitor. It will further help you to keep your website at a minimum effort during redesigning. 

  • Implementation of faceted navigation to help your website in better ranking in the SERPs. Faceted navigation further allows the visitor to filter the pages in category and subcategory pages for easy navigation. 

2. Keyword research

  • Doing a thorough keyword research that people might use to get your product or store more visible in the search results. For this you need to target different keywords for subcategories. Including keywords for subcategory pages will help your different pages rank higher on the search results. This will ensure enhanced visibility. 

  • Next do keyword research for your product pages to rank your product pages as well. This way if the user is searching for a similar keyword to your product, the product will be visible in the search results. This will further allow enhanced visibility to your products and online store. This product SEO keyword will ensure that your products are visible in the search results.  

3. On-page SEO 

  • On-page SEO is the most important e-commerce SEO strategy that helps your business to get more visibility and higher rankings in the search results. For this you can use a template available for time-saving. These templates allow you to use an already defined structure and provide you with more time to focus on other important tasks such as writing a unique copy that is clickable for your most important pages.  

  •  Make sure that you are using simple and descriptive URLs that are seo-friendly. 

  • Add engaging and creative descriptions for offering visitors more information about your business. For this you can do keyword research and include those keywords in your description. Here you can use long-tail keywords and keep the description simple, short and to the point. This is one of the most important seo for e-commerce websites.  

4. Link building 

  • The next factor to be considered is to build quality links for your website. One of the most common approaches here is to link the product feedback. If you are selling a one-of-a-kind product you can approach various authors and request them to include your product in their product review and in exchange you can offer them your products. However, the key factor to consider here is that you cannot directly offer your product in exchange for the reviews as this is a violation of Google’s policies. 

  • Claim the unlinked product reviews or mentions available online. There are various product feedbacks or reviews available that are not linked to your product, you can claim these reviews and feedback to improve your link-building and enhance your product visibility. 

5. Content marketing 

  • Create engaging and valuable content that can capture the attention of your visitors and potential customers as well. For this include commercial investigation keywords in your content. This will provide you with enhanced visibility. These are the keywords that people use usually when they are doing research on a particular product before buying. 

  • Next step is to create product-led content that is useful for product SEO. For this, you need to ensure that your content is offering a solution to the issues that your product claims to solve. This way using the relevant keywords, you can get more visibility among the potential customers. 

  • You can also leverage product images for search and get more visibility. It is another most commonly used trick for e-commerce tools. 

Benefits of E-commerce Tools

Moving on, let’s have a quick look at the four most basic benefits of an e-commerce SEO strategy. 

  • Enhanced user experience 

Implementing SEO for e-commerce websites will provide you with enhanced websites and further allow your customers to have a better experience browsing through your website. Also with interlinking of pages, customers can easily navigate through the website from one page to another. 

  • Enhanced customer base 

Leveraging e-commerce SEO tools will allow you to increase your visibility and improve the ranking of your e-commerce website. This will further increase your website traffic and enhance the customer base as well. 

  • Cost-effective

As we have already mentioned, integrating e-commerce SEO tools into your website is cost-effective as compared to paid advertising and keyword bidding. This provides you with better visibility and results with less investment. Also, some of the e-commerce tools are available for free online. 

  • Increased and better traffic 

With better SEO for e-commerce websites and product SEO integration into the website your website visibility will increase and hence provide your website with increased traffic and more customer base in the end. 

  • Low maintenance 

E-commerce SEO strategy is low maintenance as you are not required to invest your time and resources in it at regular intervals, unlike paid campaigns where you are required to think of a new campaign after a few days. 

Challenges of Implementing E-commerce SEO

Now that we have discussed the benefits of implementing an e-commerce SEO strategy here are some of the most common challenges faced while implementing SEO for e-commerce websites. 

  • Lack of quality content 

It often becomes difficult to include high-quality content on your website that is relevant to your customer’s search query. Your product seo requires unique and original content that is not duplicated from the manufacturer’s page. This will lead to downgrading of your web pages. 

  • Lack of technical seo 

While implementing an e-commerce guide it is often observed that technical SEO is not included. This contributes to redesigning and reworking your website and hence poor experience for the users. This can also cause a downgrading of your website in the search results and hence low customer conversion. 

  • Not integrating right keywords

While you are writing content for your website ensure that you are integrating the right keywords for better visibility and reach. Also, keep in mind that keyword stuffing will not help your website get visibility, instead it might lead to a downgrading of your website. 

KPI for E-commerce SEO Analysis

In the above-mentioned points we have discussed the basics of implementing an e-commerce seo strategy. Now that we are clear with the basics, here are some of the factors based on which you can analyze the seo for e-commerce websites. 

  • Organic traffic

Once you have integrated e-commerce seo tools, analyze the organic traffic that your website is receiving, this is one of the best and most crucial factors to analyze. This will help you determine the visibility of your website and product pages as well. Furthermore, based on this you can also determine the conversion rate of your traffic and determine whether the strategy is working or not. 

  • Keyword ranking 

The next factor to look for is if your keywords are ranking in the given geographical area or not. If your keywords are ranking then your pages and websites are visible to the audience. This will further offer you insights about the best and worst-performing keywords for your website. 

  • Bounce rate 

Another consideration is the bounce rate or CTR (click-through rate). If your website is able to attract and retain visitors then it will be visible through the CTR. It will also offer you insights on how your meta-titles are performing. 

  • Revenue generated 

The last factor for consideration is the revenue that you have generated. This is one of the most obvious factors that can help you understand your website e-commerce seo strategy. 

Concluding the Conversation

Having discussed the e-commerce guide and e-commerce strategy that you can implement for generating revenue and increasing visibility for your online store. MadHawks being one of the leading digital marketing agencies has always used the e-commerce seo strategy for the clients and have observed great success as well. 

Our SEO experts here advise you to follow this e-commerce SEO to gain more visibility for your online business. If you have any queries, get in touch with our expert team today. 


What is eCommerce SEO?

E-commerce SEO is a set of strategies that you can implement to enhance your online store or business and get more visibility, and higher rankings. 

How do I SEO my online store?

For this, you need to implement technical SEO, add relevant keywords, invest in link building, and create content marketing for better reach and visibility for your business. 

Why SEO Matters for E-commerce Websites

SEO matters for e-commerce websites as it helps online stores and businesses increase their visibility and expand their customer base in a cost-effective way. 

What are the best tools for e-commerce SEO?

SEMrush, MozPro, Ubersuggest, and Ahrefs are some of the best tools for e-commerce SEO. 

Which type of platform is best for e-commerce?

Some of the best e-commerce platforms that can be used are PHP websites, Shopify, Magento, WordPress, etc. Among these available platforms, you can pick the most suitable one for you.  


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Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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