Top On-Page SEO Checklist 2024 for you to Follow

Posted By Gaurav | 05-Mar-2024 | Search Engine Optimization
For every website owner, having a dedicated SEO team that can help to rank the website in the search results is a must. However, there are way too many tasks in SEO that the team is required to do. Hence, you need an on-page SEO checklist to keep a check on your website SEO.
Top On-Page SEO Checklist 2024 for you to Follow

For every website owner, having a dedicated SEO team that can help to rank the website in the search results is a must. However, there are way too many tasks in SEO that the team is required to do. Hence, you need an on-page SEO checklist to keep a check on your website SEO.

Moving forward in this blog we have discussed and curated a SEO checklist that contains the most important elements you need to regulate. Let’s glance through it with some basic details along the way. 

Defining On-page SEO

On-page SEO optimization is the process of optimizing the elements of a website to modify the front-end and the back-end of the website. It contains points that allow you to change the visual points of the website and consists of the content, videos, images and others.

In addition to this there are various other elements of the on-page SEO such as: 

  • Website content
  • Interlinking 
  • Image optimization
  • Meta tags optimization
  • Title tags optimization 

Moving on, understanding the basics of on-page optimization and its benefits is necessary, some of the point are: 

  • Informs Google and other search engines the details about the website 
  • Optimization of content allows you to generate more traffic on the website 
  • Helps the search engine to crawl and index your website and the content 
  • Allows you to modify the content based on the user preference

On-page SEO Checklist 2024

Coming back to the focus point of helping you with a SEO checklist. The on-page SEO checklist consists of the following points: 

Website Content 

This consists of all the points that are related to the website content, be it optimization synonyms, or modifying the content as per the user requirements. 

Keyword Research

For generating high quality, relevant content it is important to add relevant keywords to your website content. This will help your website content to rank higher in the search results in the targeted keyword search. 

For this you are required to carry out a thorough keyword research and get all targeted keywords that are relevant to your website. Additionally, you can also start with optimization synonyms, rival synonyms, or organic synonyms for making the website content more trendy. 

The keyword research can be done using various online tools. These tools will further help you get all the relevant keywords and the organic search volume of the keywords as well.

Visual Content

Next element that comes into the picture is the visual content. Adding attractive and engaging visuals on your website is another element of on-page SEO optimization that can help you in ranking.


The HTML elements of the website contains: 

Page Titles

Also referred to as Title tags and are one of the most crucial elements of on-page SEO. It depicts the information that a user and search engine can expect to find on the webpage. 

Furthermore, adding relevant keywords in page titles will help to rank your pages organically. The only key elements to ensure here is that the keyword should be added naturally and not forced or stuffed in the content. 


Also referred to as Body tags and depicted as. It allows the search engines to understand which part of the content is important and to be highlighted.This further allows the user to have a better understanding of the website content and the search engine to have a clearer understanding of the search intent.

Meta Description

It is a short description of the web page that shows the information of the entire web page and what the search engine, along with the user can find in that page.

Furthermore, it allows the user to get insights of your web page without even clicking, hence having an engaging meta description can ensure more clicks and more traffic to your website.

Image Alt Text

For every image that you upload on your website, image alt text is the SEO for all those images. It ensures that the search engines knows what your image is about, since a search engine can’t actually see. 

These are important as it allows the search engines to read your images and help them rank in the search results. Along with this, it also ensures that the user can find your website or content via the images. 

Structured Markup

It allows you to mark up your website source code for the search engine to track and understand different elements of your website. Furthermore, it ensures that your website information is clearly visible when the website link is shared with anyone. 

Website Architecture  

It contains the following points: 

Page URL

Having a simple URL is beneficial for the search engine and users to understand, remember and crawl through. Along with this, it is also useful to maintain a consistent URL when updating blogs, articles and and other content on the internal web pages with a sub-domain. 

Internal linking 

This is an essential step for the on-page SEO checklist. Internal linking allows the users to navigate from one page to another relevant page of your website with the help of hyperlinks. 

This further adds to the user experience and allows the user to have a seamless navigating experience on your website and gather around all the relevant information.


Mobile Friendly

In our previous blogs also we have discussed the importance of having a mobile friendly website. It is a crucial aspect of the SEO checklist to enable the user to have an enhanced experience. 

A mobile friendly website further allows the user to access your website on their mobile devices on the go and browse through the information. It is an essential aspect as the majority of the people are now on their mobile devices almost all day which gives them an added benefit of having a mobile friendly website. 

Page Load Speed

The time taken by a web page to load is referred to as page load speed. The faster a page loads, the better the user experience. This can have a huge impact on the conversion rate, profits, and the ROI for the website. 

Benefits of SEO Checklist

Now that we have discussed the most important points to be included in the on-page SEO checklist for your business. Let’s glance through some of the most common benefits that you can reap off from having a dedicated SEO checklist. 

Content Optimization

Having a dedicated SEO checklist will help you keep a track of all the keywords that you are using, along with the user engagement. Leveraging this, you can optimize the content based on the user preference. For this you can start with optimization synonyms, add organic synonyms, and rival synonyms as well for making the content further relevant. 

Increased Traffic

With a defined on-page SEO checklist, you can keep a track of all the points that are essential for your website. Maintaining these will help you get your website ranked in the search results and further increase the website traffic organically. This will further help you generate more profit, conversion and enhanced ROI for your business. 

Enhanced User Experience

Leveraging and maintaining a SEO checklist will further help you maintain and optimize your website constantly. This contributes to enhanced user experience and generates more traffic in the end for your website. 

Regular Maintenance

With an on-page SEO checklist you can further keep a track of all the points and errors that might occur on the website. This will help you maintain and resolve any issues occurring on the website for further offering the user an enhanced overall experience. 

Concluding Points

From the above mentioned points and discussion it is evident that having an on-page SEO checklist will help to reduce the hassle of maintaining your website. In addition to this, SEO is an on-going process which needs to be modified and optimized. For this constant optimization and tracking it is essential to have a dedicated on-page SEO checklist. 

MadHawks being a digital marketing agency offers dedicated SEO services and works on the principle of having a SEO checklist throughout. This has helped our expert SEO teams to optimize and modify the website when required. 

If you are looking for expert SEO services, MadHawks is your ideal partner. Our expert and experienced SEO team ensures that your SEO services are optimized as per the requirements. 

For more information you can get in touch with our expert team today and create your SEO checklist 2024. 


1. What are the requirements for on-page SEO?

The requirements of on-page SEO are: internal linking, content optimization, keyword research, image alt text, visual optimization and others. 

2. What is the most important on-page SEO?

The most important on-page SEO is meta description, title tags, content optimization, visual optimization, and keyword research. 

3. What are the 5 on-page SEO parameters?

Five on-page SEO parameters are: internal linking, keyword research, meta description, image alt text, and page load speed.

Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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