Google’s August 2024 Core Update Rollout is Complete

Posted By Gaurav | 04-Sep-2024 | Google Updates
Google’s August 2024 core update is finally complete after 19 days. It is one of the very impactful updates launched by Google as it has caused various changes to the Google search results.
Google’s August 2024 Core Update Rollout is Complete

Google SEO Core Update for August 2024 has completely rolled out. It started on August 15 and ended on September 3, 2024. Unlike most of other core updates, this update caused a lot of movement in search engine rankings. Google SEO August 2024 Update considered the feedback Google has received in the last one year, especially since the launch of September 2023 helpful content update which had a negative impact on many websites. 

Let us further discuss how Google’s SEO Core Update for August 2024 has impacted websites and what MadHawks SEO experts have to say about it: 

What is Google August 2024 Core Update All About? 

Google’s August 2024 core update is aimed at prioritizing websites having genuinely good and high-quality content. It is specially focused on small and independent websites. Google received a lot of feedback from website publishers who were negatively impacted by the previous updates launched in 2023.  

To address the same, the SEO core update for August 2024 was launched. It aimed to capture improvements that websites may have made after previous core updates and position them better on SERPs. 

For more details, check out this article: Google Launches August 2024 SEO Core Update 

How Has It Impacted Websites? 

The Google SEO Core Update August 2024 has impacted a significant number of websites, but there are still many publishers who see no change. As per a survey conducted through polls: 

- 44% of sites saw a negative impact, i.e. reduced traffic  
- 27% of sites saw a positive impact, i.e. increased traffic 
- 29% of sites didn’t see any change in the traffic. 

It seems like some websites have seen recoveries, but the number is limited. Many publishers who were impacted from the September 2023 helpful content update have not seen any major change and some have even experienced a decline in traffic.  

What Do MadHawks' SEO Experts Say? 

You may have already seen the impact of August 2024 SEO core update on your website. If you have seen a boost in traffic, you are doing well, and we recommend you maintain the quality of your website content. If your site’s traffic has declined, you must shift your focus from just SEO-optimized content to high-quality relevant content. 

Optimizing content for the right keywords is important, but what matters even more is the quality and relevance of content that you publish. Don’t just put all your effort into using SEO tricks but also pay attention to the usefulness of your website content.  

A common thing about Google’s updates in the last few years is that it is continuously prioritizing content quality and user experience. Even the sites with the best SEO tactics may be pushed down if the quality of their content is not good enough.  

For any further queries regarding this, get in touch with our SEO experts today! 


Gaurav Yadav
SEO expert

Gaurav Yadav is a skilled SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in technical SEO, content strategy, and link building, and has a proven track record of driving organic traffic growth for a diverse range of clients. With his expertise in various verticals, he can execute industry-specific SEO strategies for SAAS, BFSI, healthcare, lifestyle, and education.

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