
Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Click Through Rate (CTR)
Click Through Rate (CTR) is an important metric used to measure the performance or success of an online advertising campaign. To learn more about this, continue reading further.

Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Keywords Density
SEO professionals always aim to achieve optimal keyword density on website page content. Keyword density is an important metric to consider when it comes to ensuring good search engine optimization. Let us explore it further to understand what keyword density actually is and how it affects SEO.

Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Many people often confuse between impressions and clicks. While the number of clicks represents how many times your website links have been clicked on, impressions represent the number of views. Let us dive deeper into the concept of impressions.

Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Doorway Page
From Google’s point of view, doorway pages are just spam pages as these are not valuable for the users. However, some SEO professionals use them as their powerful SEO strategy. Let us understand this in further detail:

Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords
It is a misconception that LSI keywords are necessary for ranking on Google search result pages. Let us dive deeper into this to understand the relationship between LSI keywords and search engines.

Publish Date : 20-Mar-2024
Author : 1
Structured Data
The world of data is vast and we can’t explain it all in one article. For now, let us understand what structured data is and why it matters in SEO.

Publish Date : 13-Mar-2024
Author : 1
INP (Interaction to Next Paint)
INP (Interaction to Next Paint) is the new core web vital metric added to the Google Search Console. It has replaced FID to become the new official web vital. Let us dive deeper into this.

Publish Date : 13-Mar-2024
Author : 1
FID (First Input Delay)
FID (First Input Delay) was one of the core web vital metrics, which has now been replaced by INP. FID is a measure of how long a web page takes to respond. We will be discussing this in further detail below!

Publish Date : 07-Jun-2023
Author : 1
Meta Keywords
how to leverage meta keywords to enhance your website's visibility and SEO performance. Dive into the world of metadata optimization and take your online presence to new heights.

Publish Date : 01-Jun-2023
Author : 1
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate is a term used frequently in SEO and web analytics. It denotes the proportion of users who visit a website and then leave without engaging further.

Publish Date : 01-Jun-2023
Author : 1
Nofollow Links
No follow links and their impact on SEO. Learn how to effectively use and manage No follow links to enhance your website's online presence.

Publish Date : 26-May-2023
Author : 1
Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO is a collection of unethical methods used to raise a website's position in search results.